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Black is Back!

What's White's Advantage Anyway?
Nivå C-D
Utgivelsesdato Oktober 2016
Pris 270 NOK
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Stormester Adorjáns Black-bøker er nærmest klassikere, og her kommer den siste og største, spekket med suksessrike partier for SVART og mange fra hans egen rikholdige karriere.

Adorján påpeker som vanlig at svart har helt fullverdige sjanser med rette holdninger til spillet. I denne boka vinner svart det ene partiet mer overbevisende enn det andre. Det er en innholdsrik og artig bok med høyt nivå på analysene og et alvorlig nok tema.

En interessant kuriositet i boka er kapitlet som handler om møtene mellom Gelfand og Nakamura. Statistikken i disse partiene har vært ganske spesiell. Inntil utgangen av 2013 hadde svart vunnet 12 og hvit bare 1 - ett - parti mellom dem. Peter Boel har skrevet dette kapitlet.

Forlagets egen omtale

Many chess players act intimidated and overly cautious when they have the Black pieces. They are so preoccupied with White’s advantage of the first move, that their predominant urge is to defend against possible threats and to safeguard their position.

With his iconoclastic Black is OK books, Andras Adorjan has consistently been fighting this negative mindset. In Black is Back!, the Hungarian grandmaster continues his crusade.

Adorjan shows that White’s advantage is far from obvious and that winning with Black starts with having the right attitude.

In this book, his ‘Swan Song', Adorjan takes stock. He presents a wealth of Black wins from his own long career and from great players he has worked with. Their creative play proves that Black can often turn the tables.

Surprising statistics and instructive examples from modern-day chess will encourage even the most defensively minded players to look for hidden opportunities.

This book will convince both club players and professionals that there is no reason to be afraid when playing Black. Instead they will start looking for creative solutions and beat White more often.

Andras Adorjan (1950) is an International Grandmaster, a former World Championship Candidate and a former Hungarian champion. He was part of the Hungarian team that won the Gold Medal at the 1978 Chess Olympiad and worked as a second of World Champion Garry Kasparov. His ‘Black is OK’ books brought him international fame as an author.

Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 319