Sjakk-bøker Åpningsbøker Andre førstetrekk Engelsk

The Complete Hedgehog volume 1

Nivå C-D
Utgivelsesdato Oktober 2009
Pris 295 NOK
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Første betydelige teoribok om åpningssystemene som kalles Pinnsvinet, the Hedgehog, hovedsaklig som en forgreining i Engelsk. Stormester Shipov leverer et fyldig og grundig verk som får en sterk anbefaling av selveste Kasparov i forordet. Her er det både en fin historisk introduksjon, en omfattende gjennomgang av strategiske ideer og en god kombinasjon av varianter gjennom mønsterpartier. Ja, boka er til og med en leseverdig murstein.

To hoveddeler av denne boka er, etter de innledende trekkene (i en eller annen rekkefølge) 1 c4 c5 2 Sf3 Sf6 3 Sc3 e6 4 g3 b6 5 Lg2 Lb7 6.0-0 d6, omhandler 7 d4 cxd4 8 Dxd4 og 7 Te1(!). Men vi ser også hvordan pinnsvinet kan oppstå fra siciliansk eller til og med fra kongeindisk.

Magnus Carlsens nye behandling av stillingen, mot Kramnik i Wijk-aan-Zee 2008, blir også satt inn i sammenhengen.

Kasparovs forord

The Hedgehog came into prominence in the 1970's, around the same time I also made my entry into the world of what we call "big chess" in Russian. I learned it from my Baku peer Elmar Magerramov as a youth and eventually added it to my repertoire. Thanks to the early black successes of Ljubojevic and Andersson, the Hedgehog was also adopted and promoted by other members of the new wave, such as Psakhis and Ftacnik. Black takes a lot of strategic risks, but the many possibilities of the Hedgehog well represented the coming era of flexibility.

It's notable that my teacher, former world champion Mikhail Botvinnik, never weighed in on this new-fangled system. As someone who often went against the current of the day's opening trends when he was in his prime, he likely rec­ognized the Hedgehog's value despite the unattractive and cramped character that appalled many veterans. And of course, the Patriarch knew practical results counted for something!

In 1981 a pair of wins and a near miss showed me that not only could the Hedgehog be played against anything - e4, d4, or c4 - but it could also be played successfully against anyone. In the same Soviet team event in April I scored a 27-move win against Smyslov and was tantalizingly close to victory against my future world champion rival Karpov. Later that year in Tilburg I beat Robert Huebner employing the classic Hedgehog breaks b6-b5 and d6-d5 on consecu­tive moves. (And the trajectory of his queen's bishop, Bb2-Bc1-Bg5-Bc1-Bb2, was extravagant even against the Hedgehog!)

From the beginning, the Hedgehog has been about concepts and plans, not concrete variations and memorized lines. Sergey Shipov's profound interest in these underlying ideas are what make his approach, and this book, so valuable. We had countless "discussions" over the board in blitz in this opening while Sergey was working with me in the late 90's and 2000. He's not just a strong practical player, but someone who likes to study and to pursue the truth.

I highly recommend this book because it investigates strategic concepts instead of being limited to mere reactions. Knowing what to do and when to do it might allow for a degree of success. But to achieve mastery of anything, you must also understand WHY. With Grandmaster Shipov's expert guidance, the reader has every opportunity to do exactly that.
Garry Kasparov. Moscow, June 2009

Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 532

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  • The Complete Hedgehog Volume 2

    Shipovs formidable bind 2 om "Pinnsvinet" dekker først og fremst varianter der denne stillingstypen oppstår etter 1 e4 eller 1 d4 eller med overgang til slike åpninger.

    Mai 2011