Video/DVD Midtspill og sjakktrening Taktikk og kombinasjoner

Chess Tactics ART for Beginners

Nivå B
Utgivelsesdato Oktober 2012
Pris 280 NOK
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Enda en CD med en masse fine taktiske treningsoppgaver, 1500 i tallet. Denne nye er flott særlig for ratingnivå cirka 600 - 1200. Først blir hvert tema også vist.

Dette er en CD med Convektas "nye" (etterhvert ikke helt nye) opplegg der oppgavene kommer opp fortløpende og brukeren tildeles "rating". Det kan faktisk opprettes et ubegrenset antallere på hver CD, så disse CD'ene kan blant annet egne seg utmerket i en klubb.

Table of Contents:

Theory: - 1. Chess Tactics ART for Beginners - 2. Opening the lines - 3. Clearing important squares - 4. Clearing the lines - 5. Decoy - 6. Decoying to Knight forks - 7. Blocking - 8. Distraction - 9. Distracting pieces from defending the back rank - 10. Interception - 11. Discovered attack - 12. Double check - 13. Exploiting a pin - 14. Mill

Exercises: - 1. Opening the d- and e-files - 2. Opening the f-file - 3. Opening the g-file - 4. Opening the h-file - 5. Opening files - 6. Opening diagonals - 7. Clearing ranks - 8. Clearing diagonals - 9. Clearing important squares - 10. Clearing files - 11. Decoying to pins - 12. Decoying the king into a mating net - 13. Decoying to attack lines - 14. Decoying to Knight forks - 15. Decoying to attacks by opening lines - 16. Decoying to attacks by retreating pieces - 17. Decoying to Queen forks - 18. Distracting pieces from defending important lines - 19. Distracting pieces from defending the back rank - 20. Distracting pieces from defending other pieces - 21. Distracting pawns - 22. Distracting pieces from protecting important squares - 23. Distracting pinning pieces - 24. Intercepting a piece defending another piece - 25. Intercepting a piece protecting from checkmate - 26. Unblocking by decoy - 27. Discovered attack - 28. Using discovered attacks when attacking the King - 29. X-ray - 30. Mill

Detaljert info
Type CD
Språk Engelsk