Sjakk-bøker Partisamlinger og sjakk-historie Partier og sjakk-historie (mest) før 1945

Cambridge Springs 1904

Nivå C-D
Utgivelsesdato Desember 2022
Pris 420 NOK
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En herlig godt dokumentert turneringsbok om storturneringen i 1904 i amerikanske Cambridge Springs, uventet vunnet av Frank Marshall to poeng foran David Janowski og verdensmester Emanuel Lasker.

En fin innbundet bok der både selve turneringen og alle partiene er godt kommentert, med atskillig bruk av datidens kilder. Forfatteren og bidragsyterne hans går inn i virkeligheten rundt turneringen og partiene i 1904, med samtidig et lite og ikke så sjenerende blikk på nyere erfaringer og analyser. Stormester Soltis har skrevet forordet.

Forlagets omtale:

Marshall’s Brilliant Victory

In the spring of 1904, most of the chess world’s elite gathered in the sleepy northwestern Pennsylvania town of Cambridge Springs, where the first great tournament of the twentieth century was to take place. World Champion Emanuel Lasker topped the field. The champions of America (Harry Pillsbury), Russia (Mikhail Chigorin), France (David Janowski) and the Austria-Hungarian Empire (Carl Schlechter) were also playing.

Among the other players in this historic fifteen-round-robin event was a young master from Brooklyn, Frank Marshall. He had some international experience, including defeating World Champion Lasker in their individual encounter at Paris in 1900. However, he certainly was not considered among the favorites at the time. Nevertheless, Marshall finished in first place, two full points ahead of the rest of the field, the only undefeated player.

The story of this great tournament is superbly told by author Robert Sherwood. Each game is deeply annotated, while contemporary sources and rare archival photos nicely supplement the round-by-round account.

With this victory, Frank Marshall took his place among the world-class players of his era. You are invited to join Marshall on his journey in this splendid account of his magnificent triumph in the first major international tournament of the twentieth century.

About the Author

Robert Sherwood started playing chess and reading about the game in the early 1960s, playing in tournaments at the expert level. College interrupted his tournament play. He then returned to the game as a lover of chess history, assembling a library of titles on the legendary players of the past and their tournaments. When not involved with chess Bob is a contract writer, editor, and German-to-English translator working in a wide range of areas. He lives with his woman friend and animals in Dummerston, Vermont.


  • Author’s Preface 7
  • Foreword by Andy Soltis 9
  • Introduction to the Tournament by Emil Kemeny 13
  • Background to the Tournament by A.J. Gillam 23
  • The Firsts at Cambridge Springsby A.J. Gillam 25
  • The Cambridge Springs 1904 Chessmen by Frank Camaratta 27
  • The Players 31
  • Signs & Symbols 50
  • Crosstable 52
  • Progressive Scores 53
  • Game Index 54
  • Round 1 – April 25 55
  • Round 2 – April 26 78
  • Round 3 – April 28 99
  • Round 4 – April 29 128
  • Round5 – May 2 154
  • Round 6 – May 3 175
  • Round 7 – May 5 196
  • Round 8 – May 6 221
  • Round 9 – May 9 247
  • Round 10 – May 10 272
  • Round 11 – May 11 293
  • Round 12 – May 13 319
  • Round 13 – May 16 339
  • Round 14 – May 17 357
  • Round 15 – May 19 374
  • ECO Opening Index 393
  • The Origins of Cambridge Springs 394
  • A Chess Congress to Be Heldin Cambridge Springs in April 397
  • About the Author 400
Detaljert info
Innbundet? Ja
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 398