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Czech Open Pardubice Phenomenon

Nivå B-D
Utgivelsesdato November 2009
Pris 225 NOK
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En entusisastisk "jubileumsbok" etter 20 års stor sjakkfestival i den tsjekkiske byen Pardubice. 20 utvalgte partier er kommentert av stormester Movsesjan, og" Pardubice testing" har 58 flotte avslutninger.

Etter en beskjeden start med 40 deltagere i 1990 kom det 292 året etter, og snart ble festivalen verdens største sjakkturnering med over 1000 deltagere, ja siden opp mot 2000 sjakkspillere av alle kategorier. Boka inneholder både mange bilder, inspirerende tekst og altså ganske mye sjakk.

Sjakkbutikkens innehaver ble selv en beundrer av Pardubice og festivalen i 2001 da han var der sammen med familien der to barn deltok sammen med en stor norsk "sjakktropp". Den norske deltagelsen har i de siste årene blitt noe mindre igjen på grunn av konkurranse med særlig Politiken Cup i slutten av juli, men Pardubice er et seriøst alternativ...

Bokas forord

Dear reader!

When working on this book, I realized even more what phenomenon the festival in Pardubice has become. Nowadays only few can remember how this originally modest tournament started to make its way up to the top events of the chess world.

I was very lucky to have my chess career closely related to the tournament in Pardubice. In 1992 my father and I went to the then "Trimex Open". The festival deeply impressed me by its quality and huge number of participants.

In addition, I managed to end fairly well and meet the first standard of an international master. It was great encouragement for my further work and the tournament in Pardubice was to me as an entrance gateway to the world of "adult" chess.

In 1994 my family used the offer of the local chess club and moved to Pardubice. In 1995 I experienced a success which I value as one of the most important in my career - a triumph in the main tournament.

Definitely I did not consider myself as a favourite, but the tournament turned out well for me and this valuable victory undoubtedly served in my way to other chess peaks.

The festival in Pardubice has gradually developed in not only an important chess, but also a social event. Every year, lots of celebrities all over the world include Czech Open in their Top 10 of chess events in order not to miss it. A good move proved to be enlargement of the tournament content with other traditional and less traditional disciplines, such as go, bridge, but also Sudoku and Rubik's Cube. Every year Pardubice welcomes more and more fans of chess and other intellectual sports.

This festival is unique in its atmosphere and we hope that this book will allow you to visit the city of Pardubice not only in July, but whenever you like ...

Sergei Movsesjan

Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 176