Sjakk-bøker Åpningsbøker 1 d4-åpninger Kongeindisk

First Steps: King's Indian Defence

Nivå B-D
Utgivelsesdato August 2019
Pris 250 NOK
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En innholdsrik introduksjonsbok til å spille den populære åpningen Kongeindisk, som oftest starter 1 d4 Sf6 2 c4 g6 3 Sc3 Lg7 4 e4. Med 111 godt kommenterte mønsterpartier blir dette nesten som en "Move by Move" eller som en grundig kommentert repertoarbok med mest nye og aktuelle partier.

Egner seg godt som en bok for spillere med ratingnivå cirka 13-1400 og langt oppover som vil prøve Kongeindisk som en ny åpning eller vil brushe opp litt åpningen sin. Kan også benyttes som spenstig introduksjon til en spennende åpning for ferskere spillere med kanskje ratingstyrke fra ca 1000 og oppover.

Forlagets egen omtale

The King’s Indian Defence is one of the great classical counter-attacking openings. The most aggressive world champions (including Mikhail Tal, Bobby Fischer and Garry Kasparov) have all scored brilliant knockout victories with this opening.

In this book the highly experienced coach international master Andrew Martin explains the basic ideas behind all the different variations that occur after 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 Bg7 4.e4 d6. The focus on strategic elements such as pawn structures, attacking plans and typical piece manouevres allows the reader to quickly gain an excellent feel for this complex opening.

First Steps is an opening series that is ideal for improving players who want simple and straightforward explanations. First Steps emphasizes:

  • the basic principles
  • the basic strategies
  • the key tricks and traps

First Steps books are based around carefully selected instructive games which demonstrate exactly what both sides are trying to achieve. There is enough theory to enable the improving player to get to grips with the opening without feeling overwhelmed. If you want to take up a new opening, First Steps is the ideal place to start.

Andrew Martin is a FIDE Senior Trainer and International Master. He is the current Head of the newly-formed ECF Academy, which provides elite training for strong, young players. He teaches in twelve schools, is an experienced chess writer and has produced numerous chess DVDs

Forfatterens forord

This is my third book on the King’s Indian Defence. The first, Winning with the King’s Indian, was written in 1989 and was more or less a repertoire for Black. The book did pretty well and in the pre-computer era a repertoire book could be just what the doctor ordered. Nowadays, such a book can be cut to ribbons by simply turning on an analysis engine, but it is interesting for me to see how many of my older suggestions are still playable.

King’s Indian Battle Plans, written in 2004, was a sprawling, ambitious project, cooked up by myself and Bob Long – a work full of new ideas, designed to show just how creative the King’s Indian could be. Once again the book sold well, but looking back I can see why it was regarded by some as haphazard. Nevertheless, I am not displeased with it.

Which brings us to the modern day and the work you have before you – First Steps: The King’s Indian. This book will be different again and sets out to provide a good introduction to this won-derful opening. I cannot claim that it will cover everything, as to do so would require at least 1000 pages, but it will get you up and running and ready to play the KID with enthusiasm. How you take it from there will then be up to you.

Thanks are due to Jon Tait who did an excellent job editing this book.
Andrew Martin, Bramley, Surrey, June 2019

Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 335

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