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Fritz Powerbook 2016

Nivå C-D
Utgivelsesdato November 2015
Pris 500 NOK
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Det moderne og praktiske produktet som gjør Fritz 12, 13, 14 eller 15 til enda bedre verktøy for å lære og studere åpningsspillet. Systematiserer alle åpningsstillinger og viser deg de beste trekkene, og med hvilke resultater på høyt mesternivå.

ChessBase sin egen omtale:

The Fritz Powerbook 2016 contains 21 millions opening positions, derived from 1,5 million high class tournament games. Together with each position all relevant information is stored: all moves that were played in the position, by players of what average rating, with what success and performance results. The games from which the Fritz Powerbook 2016 were derived are also included on the DVD. This means that in any position of the openings tree you can load and replay the games in which the position occurred.

The Fritz Powerbook 2016 represents the state of the art of current openings theory. Discover exciting and tricky new lines and practice them against Fritz. In addition the DVD has a small but very exclusive book with the strongest GM games (ELO >= 2550) from the past 100 years (2 Mio positions).

System requirements

Pentium PC, 32 MB RAM, Windows 10, 8,7 or XP and Fritz 12, Fritz 13 or Deep Fritz14, Fritz 15 DVD drive.

Detaljert info
Type DVD
Språk Engelsk

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