Sjakk-bøker Åpningsbøker 1 d4-åpninger Kongeindisk

GM Repertoire 2A: 1.d4 King's Indian & Grünfeld

Nivå C-D
Utgivelsesdato Januar 2018
Pris 280 NOK
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GM Repertoire 2A: 1.d4 King's Indian & Grünfeld [INNBUNDET]


Superstormester-forfatter Avrukh med et nytt bind i serien Grandmaster Repertoire. Tidligere bind 2 kommer nå i to deler, og denne første om hvit mot Kongeindisk og Grünfeldindisk. Begge med g3-systemer, gjennomredigert med helt nye valg.

Avrukh sine bøker har høyt presisjonsnivå og vil i praksis være mest aktuelle for spillere med ratingnivå fra ca 14-1500 og helt opp til, nettopp stormesternivå som denne bokserien påberoper seg.

Forlagets egen omtale

When Boris Avrukh released his 1.d4 repertoire books in 2008 and 2010, they caused a sensation. GM Michael Adams remarked that “The high-quality Grandmaster Repertoire series has taken this format to a completely different level.”

Volume 2A is the third out of four brand new volumes in which Avrukh revamps, expands and generally improves upon his previous work in every way possible. This book provides a world-class repertoire against the Grünfeld and King’s Indian, two of Black’s most popular and dynamic defences. The author remains faithful to his preferred Fianchetto System, but has completely re-analysed it to forge an even more effective repertoire weapon than before.

Boris Avrukh is a grandmaster from Israel. He is an Olympiad gold medallist, former World Youth Champion and analysis partner of World Championship finalists.

Fra forordet

I am extremely excited to release this third volume of my new series of 1.d4 repertoire books, which replaces the older Grandmaster Repertoire Volumes One and Two (henceforth abbreviated to GM 1 and GM 2). Volume 2A is mainly devoted to the challenge of taking on two of Black’s most popular and dynamic defences: the Grünfeld and the King’s Indian. The former takes up the first four chapters, with the latter comprising Chapters 5-15. The final two chapters continue the theme of Black’s kingside fianchetto, dealing with the closed Benoni followed by a tricky move order with an early ...c5.

For readers who liked my recommendations in GM 2 , I have good news: I decided to retain the Fianchetto System as my weapon of choice. However, there have been enormous changes within several variations, which should come as no surprise. Nearly eight years have passed since GM 2 was published, which is a tremendous length of time for modern chess theory. This is especially true for the many new ideas I presented in my previous work, many of which have been tested extensively. Some of my previous ideas succeeded in putting the lines in question ‘out of business’, while in other cases Black players managed to find reliable antidotes to my recommendations. After giving my repertoire a thorough overhaul, I am quite proud of both the modifications
and the new ideas I have introduced in this book. Here is a brief glimpse at a few of the most important changes:

Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 336

Produktet er en del av serien Grandmaster Repertoire

Denne serien av åpningsbøker fra forlaget Quality Chess har faktisk satt en ny standard som grundige og ganske omfattende bøker fra ledende kapasiteter på de ulike åpningene. Stoffet er skrevet for å ha relevans hos lesere helt opp på stormesternivå, men bøkene er også godt nok presenterte til å nå et publikum et godt stykke nedover i rekkene av alminnelige spillere også med rating ned mot cirka 1400.

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