Sjakk-bøker Taktikk, kombinasjoner og angrep Variantregning (calculation)

Improve Your Chess Calculation

The Ramesh Chess Course Volume 1
Nivå C-D
Utgivelsesdato August 2022
Pris 320 NOK
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En konkret bok om variantregning (calculation)! Indias store suksesstrener lager system i sakene og går ordentlig gjennom prosessene i hver stilling. En bok å arbeide med for å kunne bli en skikkelig god spiller!

En bok med ganske høy vanskelighetsgrad, enda en del høyere enn den kanskje utgir seg for underveis. Den indiske treneren Ramesh har for tida bortimot en kultstatus. Han var selv britisk mester i 2002.

Spennende lesestoff også. Egner seg nok treningsmessig best for spillere med ratingstyrke minst 1900 og/eller snarlige ambisjoner opp i mesterklassen. Forordet er skrevet av eks-verdensmester Anand.

Forlagets egen omtale

Calculation is key to winning chess games. Converting your chess knowledge into concrete moves requires calculation and precise visualization.

The bad news: calculation is hard work. You cannot rely on feeling or intuition – you will have to turn on your brainpower. The good news: you can improve your calculation skills by training. Set up a position on a chessboard and try to solve exercises without moving the pieces!

Grandmaster Ramesh RB is the perfect coach to awaken your chess brain and feed you precisely the right exercises. ‘After only a month of intensive training with Ramesh, I could sense a seismic shift in both the precision of my calculation as well as my general level of sharpness,’ says GM Daniel Naroditsky.

GM Ramesh is one of the world’s most successful coaches. He has trained many of India’s top talents at all stages of their development on their journey to become International Masters and Grandmasters. Ramesh understands what mistakes players can make while calculating. He knows that the best move in a specific position may be the opposite of what your intuition is urging you to play. And he serves you the exercises to correct these misconceptions and start finding the right solutions.

Every chess player will benefit from the hundreds of exercises in this book. Coach Ramesh will take your calculation skills from a club player’s level to grandmaster level.



007 Foreword by Viswanathan Anand
009 Introduction
013 Acknowledgements
017 How to use this book
021 Chapter 1 Dynamic and static positions
059 Chapter 2 Calculation training with students
077 Chapter 3 The analytical process
198 Chapter 4 Forcing moves
210 Chapter 5 Common mistakes chess players make while calculating variations
257 Chapter 6 Improving calculation through solving studies
311 Chapter 7 Chess improvement suggestions from a coach
329 Index of names
331 Bibliography
Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 332

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