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Korchnoi and his Chess Grandchildren

Utgivelsesdato August 2022
Pris 370 NOK
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Korchnoi and his Chess Grandchildren


En innholdsrik og leseverdig bok med superveteran Viktor Korchnoi i 14 av de siste årene i karrieren. Det er 25 grundig gjennomgåtte partier fra Korchnoi - Svidler i 1997 til Caruana - Korchnoi i 2011, rett før 80-årsdagen hans.

Fra Drammen-turneringen 2004-05 er partiet mot Magnus Carlsen med i boka.

Boka bygger mye på Korchnois egne kommentarer til partiene, og så er det atskillig stoff i tillegg til selve partiene. En verdifull, innbundet bok som har forord både av forfatterne og av Boris Gelfand.

Forlagets egen omtale:

Korchnoi and his Chess Grandchildren features 25 of Viktor Korchnoi’s best games from the latter stages of his glorious career. The latest game is from 2011, when Korchnoi was still potent enough to defeat Fabiano Caruana. The annotations are mainly in Korchnoi’s own words, with insightful additions from other top players and the author. Between the annotated games are numerous articles and interviews - some with Viktor, and others featuring top players talking about the great man.

Viktor Korchnoi is a legendary figure in chess, and is often considered the strongest player never to become World Champion. He was already an elite player in the 1950s and remained a formidable force well into the 21st century, capable of beating top players who were young enough to be his grandchildren.

International Master Vladimir Barsky is a respected author, journalist and coach.

Detaljert info
Innbundet? Ja
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 384