Sjakk-bøker Sjakktrening og læring, generelt

Luther's Chess Reformation

Nivå C-D
Utgivelsesdato Desember 2016
Pris 290 NOK
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En fascinerende ny bok med naturlig smart navn. Stormester Thomas Luther deler raust av erfaringer som både spiller og trener, med mye verdifullt stoff om utvikling i sjakk, helt opp til kronspørsmålet hvordan bli stormester.

En bok for både spillere og trenere, og i praksis med tanke på ratingnivåer fra cirka 14-1500 og videre oppover. Det gis i dette naturlig også mye konkret sjakkstoff av høy kvalitet, og blant annet atskillig om Luthers favorittvarianter som for eksempel Fransk-varianten 1 e4 e6 2 d4 d5 3 Sd2 c5 4 exd5 Dxd5.

Forlagets omtale

Becoming a Grandmaster is the dream of every young chess talent. Thomas Luther achieved this goal despite the added challenge of being born with a disability.

Luther’s Chess Reformation provides a wealth of practical tips and suggestions for chess players of all levels. Using the experiences and insights gained from his remarkable career, Luther offers an insider’s view into the world of grandmaster chess.

Readers will enjoy his chatty style, while also benefiting from invaluable advice about what it takes to achieve one’s chess goals.

Grandmaster Thomas Luther is a three-time German Champion who reached the Top 100 in the world. He is a highly successful coach and one of only a handful of people to be awarded the title of FIDE Senior Trainer.

Innholdsfortegnelsen gir et inntrykk av denne boka

  • Dear Readers!
  • Grandmaster
  • Part I: How I Became a Grandmaster
  • Part II: Training with the Grandmaster
  • 1994 – my start as a trainer
  • The “Luther test”
  • 20 years later
  • The first meeting – openings check
  • Training in Asia
  • In-depth analysis of a variation
  • Modern combinations – Grandmaster combinations
  • Little defects, gaps in knowledge and bad evaluations
  • Solutions 150
  • How does a grandmaster train?
  • Part III: Everyone Can Improve!
  • The grandmaster’s treasure trove
  • Solutions 182
  • Computers 196
  • Test – “Short studies & endgames”
  • Solutions 207
  • Studies as motivation in chess teaching
  • Part IV: Turning Professional – A Critical Assessment


  1. Index of sources and documents
  2. Bibliography
  3. Studies
  4. Index of games

Bab Wilders, Nederlands Dagblad: "It is a chess book that many can learn from, both about chess technically and in terms of knowledge of the world of chess grandmasters. And incidentally, we learn a few things about life in the former East Germany, where of course it was not all doom and gloom. There is much about the life of top chess players and any youthful talent planning to become professional should read this."

Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 232