Sjakk-bøker Åpningsbøker 1 d4-åpninger Kongeindisk

Opening Repertoire: the Modern Sämisch

Combating the King's Indian and Benoni with 6 Bg5!
Nivå C-D
Utgivelsesdato November 2017
Pris 270 NOK
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En spennende repertoarbok for hvit mot Kongeindisk, med Sämischvarianten 1 d4 Sf6 2 c4 g6 3 Sc3 Lg7 4 e4 d6 5 f3, som etter 5.. 0-0 6 Lg5! (trekket i boka) også vil gå over til Moderne Benoni hvis spillet fortsetter 6...c5 7 d5 e6 8 Dd2 exd5 9 cxd5. Flest hvitpartier i boka har stormester Matthew Sadler som også har skrevet et megetsigende forord.

Som Sadler skriver i forordet (se nedenfor), ble dette systemet også benyttet av Joel Lautier, som han var sekundant for, i tre oartier mot Garry Kasparov, den aller største spesialisten på kongeindisk. Kasparov forberedte seg godt, og/men alle de tre partiene endte med remis.

Det er interessant med en tydelig repertoarbok for hvit ikke minst mot Kongeindisk i disse tider når det har kommet en rekke Kongeindisk-bøker for svart...

Såvidt jeg kan se og vurdere, holder denne boka både kvalitet, ambisjoner, refleksjon og konsistens til å kunne ha vært en repertoarbok også hos dagens ledende forlag på dette området, Quality Chess.

Forfatteren er sjakktrener og to ganger State Champion i Colorado, USA.

Forlagets egen omtale

The Sämisch variation is a powerful method to counter the popular King’s Indian Defence. The key move is the advance f2-f3, consolidating White’s central space advantage and limiting Black’s options for counterplay. In the traditional Sämisch White develops the queen’s bishop on e3 but in the modern version, as explored in this book, the move Bg5 is preferred. This creates further problems for Black as the natural King’s Indian counter ... e7-e5 allows White a potentially strong pin against the f6-knight, while chasing the bishop with ... h6 and ... g5 creates kingside weaknesses.

  • Learn to play the Modern Sämisch with confidence
  • Emphasis on plans and strategies
  • Written by an expert on the Modern Sämisch

Forordet av stormester Matthew Sadler

It’s always a pleasure to see one of your fa vourite openings in the spotlight, especially when that opening has been somewhat neglec ted by theoretical manuals. I first noticed the idea of 6 Bg5 in the Samisch around the ag e of 14 while searching for an alternative to my enjoyable but over-sharp Four Pawns Atta ck (5 f4). Some impressive games of Boris Gulko (a truly wonderful player at his best) fired my enthusiasm and it has been the cor- nerstone of my anti-King’s In dian repertoire ever since.

My experience with the opening at the very to p level took flight during my time as a second for the French super-GM Joel Lautier. His sharp battles with Kasparov in this open- ing (resulting in three draws) were a highlight of our work together. However much we analysed (and we analysed a lot!) Kasparov had always gone a step further, but Joel’s unique ability not to lose to Kasparov saved the day!

Two themes in the Modern Benoni structures typical of this opening have won me a lot of points over the years, and it’s good to see these well-represented in this book:

  1. b4, stopping Black’s queenside counterplay with ...b5 in its tracks.
  2. f3-f4, preparing e4-e5 often as a pawn sacrifice.

Both ideas can set difficult problems for the unprepared Black player. In particular, the shift from f2-f3 (solidly protecting the e4 pa wn and negating Black counterplay against the centre) to an aggressive central strategy with f3-f4 often catches Black players unaware in practical play. I hope you gain as much pleasure and success from this opening as I have in the past 30 years. This book should certainly provide yo u with an excellent foundation for some very enjoyable anti-King’s Indian adventures!
Matthew Sadler

Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 368

Produktet er en del av serien Opening Repertoire bokserie

En bokserie fra forlaget Everyman der hver bok følger et tydelig repertoarvalg for den ene spilleren i en anerkjent åpning. Bøkene dekker altså i hovedsak alle naturlige valg som motspilleren har til disposisjon. Middels grundige, middels avanserte og middels omfangsrike bøker som er rimelig overkommelige.

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