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Small Steps to Giant Improvement

Master Pawn Play in Chess
Nivå C-D
Utgivelsesdato April 2018
Pris 295 NOK
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Den amerikanske kometen Sam Shankland leverer en interessant og krevende bok om bondetrekk i sjakk, som noen ganger er det riktige, men som også har utfordringen at bønder aldri kan gå bakover igjen. Han går systematisk til verks og formulerer nyttige regler.

Shankland gir også noen treningsoppgaver i hvert kapittel. En innsiktsfull bok å bli glad i. Den passer nok best for spillere med ratingstyrke fra ca 1600 og oppover.

Forlagets egen omtale

In chess you cannot take your move back, but you can always return a misplaced piece to its former square at the cost of some time. Pawns on the other hand can never move backwards, making pawn moves truly permanent decisions.

This irreversibility makes Pawn Play among the most difficult aspects of chess strategy, which is one reason few books have been written about this topic – and some that have are almost incomprehensible. Double Olympiad gold medallist Sam Shankland has gone the other way – breaking down the principles of Pawn Play to basic, easily understandable guidelines every chess player should know. Shankland starts with extremely simple examples, but then lifts the level, illustrating the universality of the book’s guidelines by showing how grandmasters could have made better decisions by using them.

Fra forfatterens forord

Writing a book came to mind. Not because I was worried I would have to someday do this because of a bet. Or because of money. I simply thought writing a book would help me improve my own chess, by offering a chance to investigate in detail a subject that I felt I did not understand as well as I should. Selfish as my original purposes were, a successful book that helps a lot of
people improve their chess would be a very pleasant side effect of my studies!

I chose the topic of pawn play because I have always struggled to explain the nature of good pawn play to my students, and struggled to make sense when it came up in interviews. I noticed that even when I would rate a pawn move as poor, or criticize someone for not making a pawn move they should have made, I had a hard time explaining why. Even when your evaluation is correct, telling someone “that move is wrong because I said so” offers very little instructional value.

It occurred to me that I did not consciously understand pawn play well, even if I had a good feel for how to play with pawns. So, I studied a lot of games where pawns were mismanaged, and have come up with some guidelines that explain both when a pawn move is good and when it is bad.

It is essential for players of all levels to study pawn play to become better. Pawns constitute half of the bits you are given at the beginning; and the way they are structured often dictates how the pieces can interact with each other. Not surprisingly, the evaluation of the position can change massively with a bad pawn move.

Sam Shankland is a Grandmaster and permanent member of the US national team, winning an Individual Gold Medal in 2014 and Team Gold in 2016. In 2015 and 2017 he played Board 1 for the US team at the World Team Championship. This is his first book.


Om forfatteren Sam Shankland

Sam Shankland er en ung amerikansk stormester som har klatret opp mot verdenseliten. Han gjorde seg sterkt bemerket med individuell gullmedalje i sjakk-OL i Tromsø 2014 og bidro til at USA vant laggull i OL 2016. I 2015 og 2017 spilte han på førstebord for USA i VM for landslag.
Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 331