Sjakk-bøker Sjakktrening og læring, generelt

The Human Factor in Chess

4 types of players with their strenghts and weaknesses
Nivå C-D
Utgivelsesdato Desember 2020
Pris 340 NOK
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En både praktisk og reflektert treningsbok som deler sjakkspillere inn i de fire hovedtypene aktivister, tenkere, pragmatikere og teoretikere, med hyperaktivisten Mikhail Tal som første eksempel. Mange nyttige treningsoppgaver.

Fra forordet til Vincent Keymer:

Playing styles in chess are an important and often discussed topic. GM Dr. Karsten Müller and GM Luis Engel take up a model by GM Lars Bo Hansen based on 4 types of players – 'activists', 'pragmatics', 'theorists' and so-called 'reflectors'. Their respective strengths and weaknesses are explained based on many examples, complemented by numerous exercises to enable the reader to assign himself to one or the other category. "As part of the preparation for my opponents, I often try to research their typical player characteristics ... In this respect, it can be helpful to draw conclusions about the type of player, and thus about strengths and weaknesses, by looking at the openings they play – or to use the characteristics of certain players to infer the likelihood of which opening lines they might choose.

These and numerous other considerations are presented in this book in a condensed and systematic form. The division of players into four prototypes is extremely helpful not only in terms of game preparation, but also to determine your own characteristics as a player. In addition, the book can serve as a helpful guide for amateurs and chess fans to get a more precise picture of certain players.

Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 242