Sjakk-bøker Åpningsbøker 1 d4-åpninger Grünfeldindisk

The Safest Grünfeld Reloaded

Nivå C-D
Utgivelsesdato September 2019
Pris 285 NOK
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En helt ny utgave av den tidligere suksessboka "The Safest Grünfeld". Den sterke stormesteren Delchev gir deg et komplett repertoar for svart med Grünfeld-indisk 1 d4 Sf6 2 c4 g6 3 Sc3 d5, pluss mot Anti-Grünfeld 3 f3 og andre helt tidlige alternativer fra hvit.

En super repertoarbok for svart med Grünfeld-indisk, mest for spillere med ratingnivå cirka 13-1400 og gjerne helt opp.

Les ellers hva Delchev selv skriver om denne nye boka:

Fra forordet:

"This book is a completely new edition of the original The Safest Grünfeld of 2011. I rechecked all the lines and changed my recommendations according to latest developments of theory and my new understanding.

Especially the anti-Grünfeld chapters are basically new. In my opinion top players have long lost hope to find advantage in the main lines and try early deviations. Anand chose 3.f3 against Gelfand and 5.Bd2 against Carlsen. So I devoted special attention to the Sämish approach with two different propositions. 3...Nc6 is less studied and probably more rewarding from a practical standpoint, while 3...d5 is in perfect theoretical shape, but requires more memorization.

Every too often White players try to avoid the Grünfeld by refraining from d4 or c4. I added an additional chapter on the very topical lately Trompowsky and Barry/Jobava attack. The 7.Bc4 system in the Exchange Variation, and the Russian System have also underwent a major reconstruction."


Om forfatteren Alexander Delchev

Alexander Delchev er en sterk bulgarsk stormester som vant European Grand Prix i 2004 og har spilt for Bulgaria i flere sjakkolympiader. Den høyeste FIDE-ratingen hans har vært 2669. Han har vært forfatter og medforfatter til flere åpningsbøker med god kvalitet fra forlaget Chess-stars.
Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 351