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100 Endgame Patterns You Must Know

Recognize Key Moves & Motifs and Avoid Typical Errors
Nivå B-D
Utgivelsesdato Desember 2021
Pris 285 NOK
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Den spanske stormesteren følger opp suksessen fra "100 Endgames You Must Know" med en noe større bok der han viser 100 temaer fra ulike typer sluttspill som stort sett er sluttspillstrategi før de rent teoretiske sluttspillene.

Forlagets egen omtale:

If you are aware of endgame patterns, you spot key moves quicker, analyse and calculate better, avoid making errors and memorize what you have studied more fully.

Most of the patterns Jesus de la Villa presents in this new book are from the phase of the game just before a theoretical endgame turns up. Knowing these practical endgame fundamentals will enable you to fully reap the benefits of what you learned in De la Villa’s widely acclaimed classic 100 Endgames You Must Know.

Studying patterns only makes sense if you are going to encounter them frequently. De la Villa presents those that have the greatest practical importance and explains and illustrates them with carefully selected examples. To show the patterns as clearly as possible, he mainly concentrates on positions in which both sides have just one piece. Presenting positions with more pieces risks blurring the picture and making motifs less straightforward.

The fact that players think in patterns has an important side-effect: their endgame errors tend to repeat themselves. That’s why De la Villa has not just included examples from games of elite GM’s but also of amateurs. Errors are always instructive and working with this book will seriously reduce the number of typical mistakes you are prone to make. The many practical exercises that De la Villa has selected will help you improve and retain what you have learned.

Jesus de la Villa (1958) is an International Grandmaster born in Spain. He has won the Spanish Championship twice and is a well-known chess coach. De la Villa is the author of the world-famous bestsellers 100 Endgames You Must Know and The 100 Endgames You Must Know Workbook.



022 Chapter 1 Pawn endings
080 Chapter 2 Knight vs pawns
090 Chapter 3 Bishop vs pawns
105 Chapter 4 Rook vs pawns
123 Chapter 5 Queen vs pawns
130 Chapter 6 Same-coloured bishops
156 Chapter 7 Opposite-coloured bishops
191 Chapter 8 Knight vs bishop
233 Chapter 9 Knight endings
252 Chapter 10 Rook endings
315 Chapter 11 Rook vs minor piece
338 Chapter 12 Queen endings
372 Chapter 13 Queen vs rook
380 Chapter 14 Queen vs two pieces
387 Chapter 15 Queen vs two rooks
396 Chapter 16 Exercises
414 Solutions to the exercises
458 Index of names
463 Bibliography
Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Antall sider 464

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