Sjakk-bøker Lærebøker

Capablanca x3

Tre klassikere av selveste Capablanca samlet som en ny større bok. "Chess Fundamentals" fra 1921 og "A Primer of Chess" fra 1935 er mesterens enkle og elegante lærebøker.

Glitrende "My Chess Career" fra 1920 er opptrykk i fortsatt "feil" notasjon.

"My Chess Career" er regnet som en de virkelige klassikerne i sjakklitteraturen. Capablanca er like ærlig som selvbevisst og presis i kommentarene sine. Det er jo sant som han bl.a. skriver i innledningen sin: "No doubt it must be interesting to know how one of the strongest players in the world has obtained his strength, through what process he has passed, his way of thinking when not yet developed, how is thoughts and ideas gradually changed until the present day ..."

Så kan vi bare beklage at denne delen av boka fortsatt har gammeldags deskriptiv (engelsk) sjakknotasjon (1. P-K4 P-K4 2. N-KB3 osv.) og ennå ikke foreligger oversatt til engelsk med moderne, riktig notasjon. Dette er dermed et unntak fra regelen vår her på at vi tilby bare bøker med riktig notasjon.

De glimrende små lærebøkene Chess Fundamentals og A Primer of Chess er derimot fine utgaver med riktig sjakknotasjon!

Nivå B-C
Utgivelsesdato April 2017
Pris 360 NOK
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Forlagets egen omtale

Compilation of the following three titles:

  • My Chess Career
  • A Primer of Chess
  • Chess Fundamentals

Brought together for the first time in one volume are three books by the titan of chess, José Capablanca. One of the greatest chess prodigies of all time, he evolved the most perfect chess technique seen on a chessboard. A former World champion, and one of the most successful tournament players in the history of the game, Capablanca’s uncanny position judgment empowered him to produce games that were masterful pieces of position play, and that culminated often in combinations of startling brilliancy. My Chess Career. Written one year before he became chess champion of the world, this book relives in Capablanca’s own words 35 of his greatest games and those events of his life relevant to his chess career. The seminal work of the Cuban genius who repeated the exploits of Morphy, suddenly bursting onto the European scene and annihilating the great masters who had hitherto dominated the international arena. This book captures the magic of Capablanca's early victory at San Sebastian 1911 and his second place - bowing only to Lasker - at St Petersburg 1914. Chess Fundamentals. Capablanca's classic instructional manual first appeared in 1921, the year he defeated Emanuel Lasker for the world championship title. This handbook is packed with timeless advice on different aspects of practical play and illustrated by Capablanca's own games. A Primer of Chess. Capablanca’s introduction to chess is an ideal first chess book for players of all ages. In systematic fashion, Capablanca lucidly explains the rules and basic principles of this fascinating game, and illustrates these with a wide range of practical examples. After capturing the world championship in in 1921, Capablanca was for a time regarded as practically invincible. Although he surprisingly lost his title to Alexander Alekhine in 1927, Capablanca remained a leading player until his death in New York in 1942.

My Chess Career

Strategy - The essence of chess. Opening variations come and go, much as the fashions of Fifth Avenue, but strategy is timeless. A proper understanding of chess strategy will allow you to intelligently play any kind of position. And easily absorb the latest opening variations.

Get ready to learn chess strategy as played by the greatest strategic player who ever lived - Capablanca! Capablanca was the foremost exponent of the classical principles of chess strategy described by the first World Chess Champion, Wilhelm Steinitz.

If you know the rules of chess, you can use this book today to enjoy the games of the greatest natural chess master the world has ever seen.

A Primer of Chess

Former world champion José Capablanca's introduction to chess, available for the first time in English in algebraic notation, is an ideal first chess book for players of all ages. In systematic fashion, Capablanca lucidly explains the rules and basic principles of this fascinating game, and illustrates these with a wide range of practical examples.

Topics covered include:The game, the pieces, their moves and object Improving your game

Elementary opening principles... and much more

Chess Fundamentals

José Capablanca's classic instructional manual Chess Fundamentals first appeared in 1921, the year he defeated Emanuel Lasker for the world championship title. This handbook is packed with timeless advice on different aspects of practical play and illustrated by Capablanca's own games.

Topics covered include:

  • First principles
  • Planning
  • The initiative
  • Endgame strategy

and much more ...

Samlebok, som inkluderer originalen: A Primer of Chess [PAPERBACK]
Samlebok, som inkluderer originalen: Chess Fundamentals [PAPERBACK]
Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 464