Sjakk-bøker Lærebøker

Chess Behind Bars

Utgivelsesdato August 2017
Pris 265 NOK
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En kombinert lære- og inspirasjonsbok med sjakk for innsatte og ansatte i fengslene. Forfatteren arbeider med sjakk i fengsler for det engelske forbundet og deler mange erfaringer. Lærestoffet er greit. Oppgavene er nok ganske vanskelige for ferske spillere.

Supplert med noe mer lærestoff og ikke minst flere og litt enklere oppgaver - a la Sjakkskolen... - vil denne boka gjøre en god jobb overfor nettopp både fengselsinnsatte og ditto ansatte. Også her fra sjakkbutikkens side får vi stadig rapporter om at sjakk fungerer utmerket i norske fengsler.

Stormester Nigel Short har skrevet forordet.

En solid god innbundet bok.

Forlagets egen omtale

At a time when prisons are in the news due to increasing violence, drug taking and low morale, it has never been more important to focus on education and rehabilitation.

Chess makes a difference because it is a fantastic metaphor for life. We must think before making our move, and accept that our decisions have consequences. It also teaches us to learn from our mistakes and to develop a more disciplined approach to problem solving. Perhaps most importantly of all, it is a constructive use of time and helps to forge friendships.

Chess Behind Bars offers a guide to chess in prisons that will instruct and entertain regardless of your situation. It covers almost every aspect of chess imaginable – from the rules to chess history, from puzzles to famous games, and even some tips for improvement. It is a smorgasbord of chess, seen from an unusual angle.

Chess can and does change lives, and Carl Portman believes that everyone should have the opportunity to learn the game. After all, the prison community knows that there is a dream behind every door.

Carl Portman is the English Chess Federation’s Manager of Chess in Prisons. In 2015 he was awarded the ECF President’s award for services to chess.

Detaljert info
Innbundet? Ja
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 312