Sjakk-bøker Lærebøker

Chess for Kids and Parents

Nivå A-B
Utgivelsesdato Mai 2006
Pris 115 NOK
Legg i handlevognen

En innholdsrik lærebok for en rimelig pris. Boka starter egentlig på nivået rett etter at eleven har lært å flytte brikkene, og den henvender seg veldig direkte til en kombinasjon av foreldre og barn som vil lære sjakk sammen. Dette er logisk siden framstillingen inneholder så mye tekst at det selv med gode engelskferdigheter ville bli i meste laget for barn under 12-13 år.

Boka inneholder stoff om både åpningsspillet, taktikk og sluttspill. Åpningsspillet fokuserer fornuftig nok på 1 e4, og eleven lærer de første trekkene og litt til i Skotsk åpning (1 e4 e5 2 Sf3 Sc6 3 d4).


001 What you need (to know)
002 Dear parents! (Introduction)
002 When should you begin?
002 The positive aspects of chess
003 Our training program
004 Applying the training program
006 Name that square!
010 Our training game "Hunting the black king"
011 The moves
011 The "en passant" move
012 We note down a game of chess
014 Noting down a game!
015 Ranks, files and diagonals
019 Introduction to endgame training
020 Elementary wins - Mate with king + queen
029 Quiz on queen endings (6 x mate with K + Q)
030 Mate with king + rook
034 Mate with king + 2 rooks
036 Quiz on rook endings (6 x mate with K + R or K + 2 R)
037 Introduction to opening training
040 Starting a game of chess
040 The centre
041 Development
041 Castling - a safe haven for the king!
042 The correct and the quick order of moves
043 We learn an opening: the Scotch Game
060 Traps, tricks & blunders - Scholar's mate; Fool's mate; a defence against those nasty tricks which attack f7
064 Opening quiz
067 Solutions to opening quiz
070 Introduction to training in tactics
071 Tactics
072 The double attack/the fork
078 Quiz on the double attack
080 Solutions to the quiz on the double attack
081 The pin
084 Quiz on the pin
086 Solutions to the quiz on the pin
087 The skewer
090 Quiz on the skewer
092 Solutions to the quiz on the skewer
094 Discovered attack and discovered check
098 Quiz on the discovered attack and discovered check
100 Solutions to quiz on the discovered attack and discovered check
102 Introduction to endgame training 2
103 The endgame 2 - elementary wins - pawn endings
104 The queening square
106 Quiz: "the clever square"
107 United pawns, pawn chains and isolated pawns
108 Helping our pawn to promote - the king protects it from the side
109 The king is placed in front of the pawn on the 6th (3rd) rank
110 The rook pawns
114 Solutions to the quiz: "the clever square"
115 Quiz on pawn endings
116 Introduction to opening training 2
117 The opening 2 - What our opponent can do (wrong?) - and how we can exploit it!
117 Damiano's Defence - the weak move 2...f7-f6?
124 Black plays the "Petroff" 2...Ng8-f6
126 Black plays the "Sicilian" 1 .e2-e4 c7-c5
127 Black plays the "Centre Counter" 1 .e2-e4 d7-d5
128 "Unusual moves"
131 What should I play as Black?
131 Against the "Giuoco Piano"?
133 Against the "Ruy Lopez"?
134 Against 1 ,d2-d4 or the Queen's Gambit?
135 Against other moves?
136 The world of chess, the sport
137 Preparation for your first tournament
137 The chess clock
138 Thinking time
142 Playing with clocks and writing down moves
143 The "touch-move" rule
144 Behaviour and sportsmanship
145 Being told what to do
147 Ratings
148 Information about tournaments
150 How tournaments work
151 At the tournament - the great day has arrived!
153 What to do when your child is beaten or when s/he wins
158 What comes next?
159 Chess coaches
161 And finally
162 Power Test
173 Solutions to the Power Test
178 Evaluation
179 Appendix
180 Hunting the black king (scoresheet)
181 Files, ranks and diagonals
183 Solutions to the quiz "Mate with king and queen"
191 Solutions to the endgame quiz "Mate with K + R/2R"
197 Solutions to the quiz on the pawn ending
199 Solution to "endgame with a rook's pawn"
200 The Laws of Chess
200 How the pieces move
202 Taking your opponent's pieces
203 Checkmate, stalemate and draws
204 Recommended reading
205 Internet addresses for chess associations
206 Scoresheet
207 Certificate for the Power Test
Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 207