Video Basisopplæring sjakk

Chess for Novices vol. 1

Nivå A-B
Utgivelsesdato August 2012
Pris 230 NOK
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Endelig en passende DVD for (nesten-)nybegynnere i det proffe ChessBase-formatet, for voksne såvel som for barn. Det forutsettes bare at eleven kan flytte brikkene fra før.

Gjennom 4 timer 15 minutter får den ferske eller helt ulærde sjakkspilleren noen gode basiskunnskaper og ferdigheter innen både åpningsspill, midtspill og sluttspill. Sabrina Chevannes har 13 års erfaring som sjakklærer på sitt sjakkakademi i London.

Målgruppen for denne DVD'en er enten spillere som nylig har lært seg grunnreglene (hvordan brikkene flyttes) eller rene hobbyspillere som gjerne kan ha flyttet brikker i lengre tid, men med liten eller ingen innføring i spillet. Passer fint som repetisjon og utdyping etter en nybegynnerbok som Sjakkskolen 1 eller tilsvarende. Brukeren trenger å forstå noe engelsk, men ikke vanskelig for ungdom eller voksne.

Det litt avanserte ChessBase-konseptet, rent teknisk, gjør at DVD'ene deres trenger en PC for å kunne brukes.

Innholdet er dette, i de fire hovedkapitlene:

Opening – The general principles of the opening are discussed here. No specific opening repertoire is suggested but a guide of how to tackle any opening and come through the first stage of the game in a better position.

Middlegame – Some basic tactical devices are introduced such as the pin, fork, skewer and discovered attack. These devices are used throughout the levels of chess and even top grandmaster games are won from a basic device as these.

Ending – The basic checkmating technique of the most common endings that occur in novice games are instructed here. These techniques are essential to master before continuing with more complex checkmates.

Test – The DVD finishes with a test chapter which consists of 20 exercises based on the information discussed throughout the DVD. Each exercise allows time for you to pause and calculate the answer before the answer is discussed.

This DVD is a must for anyone who wants to improve their game, whether they are a junior or an adult. It can be for those who have just learnt the moves or for those who have played for some time but want to consolidate their knowledge.

ChessBase sin omtale

This DVD is for anyone who knows the rules of chess but would like to be able to improve their game with some specific tactics and strategies. It builds on the basic principles of chess that should have already been learnt. However, there is also an introductory chapter for those that may have gaps in this part of their foundation. The main part of the DVD is split into four chapters: Opening – The general principles of the opening are discussed here. No specific opening repertoire is suggested but a guide of how to tackle any opening and come through the first stage of the game in a better position. Middlegame – Some basic tactical devices are introduced such as the pin, fork, skewer and discovered attack. These devices are used throughout the levels of chess and even top grandmaster games are won from a basic device as these. Ending – The basic checkmating technique of the most common endings that occur in novice games are instructed here. These techniques are essential to master before continuing with more complex checkmates. Test – The DVD finishes with a test chapter which consists of 20 exercises based on the information discussed throughout the DVD. Each exercise allows time for you to pause and calculate the answer before the answer is discussed. This DVD is a must for anyone who wants to improve their game, whether they are a junior or an adult. It can be for those who have just learnt the moves or for those who have played for some time but want to consolidate their knowledge. Video running time: 4 hours 15 min.

Detaljert info
Type DVD
Språk Engelsk
Spilletid 04:15

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