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Chess Guide for Club Players

Nivå B-D
Utgivelsesdato Mars 2012
Pris 310 NOK
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75 leksjoner med 400 partieksempler og 200 øvingsoppgaver i tillegg. Denne CDen er som en innholdsrik bok med sjakkpartier som lærerike eksempler på ulike temaer for å øke spillestyrken fra 1100, 1500 eller 1900 og litt videre... Den passer på at brikkene står riktig i alle varianter.

Nivået er ikke direkte lavt, så det vil være enklest å komme i gang for spillere med basiskunnskaper tilsvarende minst rating cirka 1200.

Informasjon fra utgiveren:

This is a course for club players based on a textbook by a distinguished Russian chess trainer Victor Golenishchev. The source material is supplemented with examples of play by lead chess players from the latest major contests and is organized in chess lessons. The course is designed for 1 year and contains 75 lessons, including theoretical material and practical exercises. The theoretical part includes more than 400 examples of play. The practical part includes more than 200 exercises of varying difficulty.

The course allows you to: Study the theoretical material and test your knowledge See changes in your rating Keep track of your progress Play against computer starting with a set position Print exercises

Language: English.

System requirements: IBM-compatible PC, 256 Mb RAM, hard disk 100Mb, Windows XP/Vista/7/8.


  1. Attacking the king in the center
  2. Attacking the king when both sides castle to the same flank
  3. The calculation mistakes
  4. Training the technique of calculation
  5. The "good" and the "bad" bishops
  6. The bishop is stronger than the knight
  7. The knight is stronger than the bishop
  8. The bishops of opposite color in the middlegame
  9. Bringing a piece out of play
  10. Exploiting the open and semi-open files
  11. Open and semi-open files and attacking the king
  12. An outpost on an open or semi-open file
  13. Fighting for an open file
  14. Strong pawn center
  15. Undermining the pawn center
  16. Pieces against the pawn center
  17. Pieces and pawns in the center
  18. The center's role in flank operations
  19. Two bishops in the middlegame
  20. Two bishops in the endgame
  21. Successful struggle against a bishop pair
  22. The weak points in opponent's camp
  23. The weakness of a complex of squares
  24. About some strong points
  25. The pawn weaknesses
  26. The doubled pawns
  27. A retarded pawn on a semi-open file
  28. A passed pawn
  29. Queen vs. two rooks
  30. Queen vs. Rook and a minor piece
  31. The queen vs. the three minor pieces
  32. Compensation for the queen
  33. Two rooks vs. three minor pieces
  34. Two minor pieces vs. Rook (with pawns)
  35. The rook vs. the minor piece and two pawns
  36. Compensation for the rook
  37. The minor piece vs. the three pawns
  38. Compensation for a minor piece
  39. The learning positions
  40. Geometry of the chessboard. The "shoulder charging" technique
  41. The endings with the passed pawns for both sides
  42. The breakthrough
  43. A better deployment of pawns
  44. The reserve tempi
  45. The activity of the king
  46. Obtaining the pawn endgame as a method of realization of a material or a positional advantage
  47. About the study composition. Some study ideas in practice
  48. Learning positions
  49. Control of the seventh rank
  50. Using the open file
  51. The endgames with the passed pawns
  52. The activity in the rook endings
  53. Exploiting the pawn weaknesses
  54. Some resources of the defense
  55. Realization of a material advantage
  56. Realization of a positional advantage
  57. Some rook studies
Detaljert info
Type CD
Språk Engelsk