Sjakk-bøker Tenking og psykologi

Chess Logic in Practice

Nivå C-D
Utgivelsesdato September 2019
Pris 280 NOK
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Denne boka har ambisjonen å være et verktøy for å strukterere leserens tanker under sjakkpartier. De to hoveddelene i boka er konsepter for tenking og posisjonelle konsepter. Det er mange spennende kapitler, og forfatteren bygger mye på egen erfaring både som spiller og trener.

Kislik bruker flest eksempler fra egne partier. Nest flest eksempler er det med Magnus Carlsen.

Dette er ingen enkel bok. Teksten er interessant for de fleste, men sjakkeksemplene er mest for spillere med ratingnivå fra cirka 15-1600 og oppover.

Forlaget egen omtale:

Chess-players understand that it is vital to play logically, but often lack the methods needed to do so. In this book, renowned trainer Erik Kislik presents a wide range of specific concepts that will help them succeed. These include positional techniques, thinking methods, and modes of play to adopt when either better or worse.

Just the list of chapter titles shows how original Kislik’s presentation is. They include:

Painfully Slow Moves
Focal Points
Reciprocal Logic
Fighting against Centralized Pieces
When Playing a Bad Move Wins a Good Game
A Chronically Weak King

Throughout, the discussion is illustrated by a mass of examples from both recent elite chess and the play of Kislik and his students, showing how his themes cut across all levels of chess. After the book’s two main sections – Thinking Concepts and Positional Concepts – comes a section of exercises, again with a strikingly original theme: our task is simply to assess each position.

Erik Kislik is an International Master originally from California who lives in Budapest. He is an expert in computer chess and one of the most in-demand chess trainers on ICC. He has coached many grandmasters and assisted a number of elite players with their opening preparation. His previous book for Gambit, Applying Logic in Chess, has been widely praised.


  • Symbols4
  • Material Values4
  • Foreword by GM Hjörvar Steinn Gretarsson5
  • Introduction6

  • Part 1: Thinking Concepts 7

  • 1 Progressive Thinking7
  • 2 Reciprocal Logic16
  • 3 The Method of Elimination24
  • 4 Tenacity30
  • 5 Optical Biases39
  • 6 Only One Way to Lose48
  • 7 Only Idea to Play For53
  • 8 Simplification as a Tool for Equalization59
  • 9 Overpressing64
  • 10 When Playing a Bad Move Wins a Good Game75
  • 11 When You Have to Go for It83
  • 12 Taking Risks in Bad Positions89

  • Part 2: Positional Concepts 92

  • 1 Playing without Weaknesses92
  • 2 Fighting against Centralized Pieces105
  • 3 Incorrect Piece Exchanges121
  • 4 Focal Points131
  • 5 Provoking Pawn-Weaknesses142
  • 6 Sliding Moves150
  • 7 Flank Thrusts155
  • 8 A Chronically Weak King163
  • 9 Playing with a Bad Queen175
  • 10 The Defensive Power of the Queen182
  • 11 Unlikely Draws184
  • 12 Painfully Slow Moves195
  • 13 Manoeuvring in Closed Positions202
  • 14 Neutral Bad Bishops213

  • Part 3: Exercises216

  • Solutions222
  • Index of Players236
  • Index of Openings239

Om forfatteren Erik Kislik

Erik Kislik er en amerikansk IM fra California som nå bor i Budapest. Han har trent flere stormestere og hjulpet enda flere tittelholdere med åpningsforberedelser. Erik Kislik er ekspert på computersjakk og brukes mye som trener gjennom ICC, Internet chess club.
Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 240