Sjakk-bøker Sjakktrening og læring, generelt

Chessboard Combat

The Give and Take of Chess Tactics
Nivå C-D
Utgivelsesdato Mars 2023
Pris 305 NOK
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Glimrende Joel Benjamin serverer en moderne realistisk bok for taktikktrening og/eller bare glede, med 128 komplette mest moderne og noen gamle partier, der leseren får teste seg på muligheter underveis for begge spillerne.

Partiene er i stor grad taktiske fyrverkerier, men av svært ulike slag. En del av partiene er naturlig nok kjent for mange, men dette er stort sett ikke de mest berømte partiene, men mange som kan fortjene en god status for sjakkspillets skjønnhet og nær utømmelige ressurser. Her er samtidig altså alle svarene på hvordan disse stillingene kom opp i praksis.

En samling av "alle tiders partier" på disse kriteriene. Elegant, humørfylt og lærerikt presentert av stormester Joel Benjamin, også oppdatert med dagens computersjekkede sannheter.

Glede og nytte for spillere med ratingstyrke fra 13-1400 og nærmest helt opp.

Forlagets egen omtale:

Chess students love a Puzzle Rush. And solving tactics puzzles certainly helps you improve your pattern recognition and will help you find good moves in tournament games. But there is a downside to most tactics puzzles we always know who is supposed to win!

Chess in real life is different, not just because no one taps us on the shoulder and tells us to look for a tactic. Sometimes tactics work, and sometimes they don't. Sometimes your opponent has a few tricks up their sleeve, too.

This book shows the reality of chess tactics. It explores a chess player's challenges over the board: attack, defense, and counterattack! It exposes the actual give-and-take nature of chess tactics.

American grandmaster Joel Benjamin, a three-time U.S. Champion, was inspired by the 20th-century classic Chess Traps, Pitfalls, and Swindles by legendary chess authors Fred Reinfeld and Israel Albert Horowitz. With modern examples, Benjamin arouses the same spirit of fun and enjoyment. With a generous amount of puzzles in quiz form, this manual will help chess students sharpen their tactical skills and be ready to strike - or counterstrike.

Joel Benjamin is an American grandmaster and a three-time U.S. Champion. He became the youngest-ever U.S. chess master at age 13, beating Bobby Fischer's record. Chessboard Combat is his fifth book for New In Chess. Benjamin graduated from Yale University with a major in history.

Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 224