Sjakk-bøker Midtspillet strategi Strategi generelt

Excelling at Chess vol. 1 Technical & Positional

Nivå C-D
Utgivelsesdato September 2017
Pris 290 NOK
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To av Jacob Aagaards tidlige, glimrende bøker om posisjonsspill og sjakkteknikk er nå samlet til én større bok, og til prisen av bare litt mer enn en av de tidligere bøkene som etterhvert utgår.

Boka "Excelling av Positional Chess" er preget av Aagaards behagelig verbale, lærerike tekst kombinert med en god del viktige treningsoppgaver. Boka "Excelling at Technical Chess" handler om tekniske stillinger fra sluttspillet og noe fra midtspill som snart vil gå over til sluttspill.

Forlagets egen omtale

Brought together in one volume are two of Jacob Aagaard's great books- Excelling at Technical Chess and Excelling at Positional Chess. "And the rest is a matter of technique" is an annoyingly common phrase used in chess literature. The implication from the author is that the task of converting a typically winning position into a full point or converting a drawing position into half-a-point is relatively straightforward. However, as all of us practical players realise, it's not always a simple as this, and many hard-earned points are wasted through "a lack of technique".

In Technical Chess Jacob Aagaard aims to solve this perennial problem. He arms the reader with several endgame weapons that every strong technical player has in his toolbox. These include important skills such as schematic thinking, domination, preventing counterplay, building fortresses and utilising zugzwang. These tools are illustrated in deeply analysed games containing numerous different themes.

A serious study of this book will ensure that the reader need no longer need fear the word "technique"! Positional chess remains a mystery to many and yet an understanding of the finer points of the game so often makes the difference between two equally matched players. Improve your positional play and you will see chess in a totally new dimension!

In Positional Chess, Aagaard selects many original examples of positional chess, the créme de la créme of those that he uses for training and study. Aagaard also delves deeply into the ideas of positional evaluation and analysis

Samlebok, som inkluderer originalen: Excelling at Technical Chess [PAPERBACK]
Samlebok, som inkluderer originalen: Excelling at Positional Chess [PAPERBACK]
Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 359

Se også

  • Excelling at Chess

    En fremragende bok som for alvor ga Jacob Aagaard den sterke posisjonen han har fått som sjakkforfatter. Den vant prisen som "2002 book of the year".

    November 2001