Sjakk-bøker Åpningsbøker 1 d4-åpninger Generelt og d4-repertorar

GM Repertoire 2B: 1.d4 Dynamic Systems

Nivå C-D
Utgivelsesdato April 2019
Pris 320 NOK
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Nyeste opus fra stormester Avrukh kompletterer kvalitetsserien hans med d4-bøker for hvit. I tillegg til full oppdatering er noen valg fra hans bind 2 i 2010 helt byttet ut med skarpere våpen mot blant annet Benkö-gambit og Budapestgambit.

Bind 1 + 2A og 2B i "Grandmaster Repertoire" fra Quality Chess er nå det ypperste av repertoarbøker for hvit med 1.d4.

Forlagets omtale

When Boris Avrukh released his 1.d4 repertoire books in 2008 and 2010, they caused a sensation. GM Michael Adams remarked that “The high-quality Grandmaster Repertoire series has taken this format to a completely different level.” Avrukh’s newly revamped 1.d4 series has raised the bar even higher.

Volume 2B completes the series by providing cutting-edge antidotes to tricky defences such as the Dutch, various Benoni set-ups, Benko and Budapest Gambits, and anything else not covered in volumes 1A, 1B & 2A. With innumerable updates and improvements to the author’s previous work, this book is essential reading for any ambitious 1.d4 player.

Boris Avrukh is a grandmaster from Israel. He is an Olympiad gold medallist, former World Junior Champion and analysis partner of World Championship finalists.

Fra forfatterens forord

After what has seemed like a uniquely long year, I have completed the fourth and final volume of the updated Grandmaster Repertoire series on 1.d4. Those familiar with the first three books in the series already know that the current one does not feature any flagship openings such as the Queen’s Gambit, Grünfeld or King’s Indian. Instead, it tackles the no-less-difficult challenges of the Dutch Defence, the Benko and Budapest Gambits, the Modern Defence, and various other systems which are slightly out of the mainstream, but which are nonetheless capable of posing serious practical problems, as I have observed in my experience as a coach. To meet the various challenges, I have proposed the following advancements over my previous work:

Dutch Defence

I recommend meeting the Stonewall, Classical and Leningrad systems of the Dutch in broadly the same way as in my 2010 book Grandmaster Repertoire 2 – 1.d4 Volume Two (henceforth abbreviated to GM 2), but with a multitude of updates and refinements to improve White’s play, as well as correcting some move-order and transpositional issues which I previously overlooked.

Benoni Systems & Benko Gambit

Against the Czech Benoni and various 1.d4 c5 systems, I have once again provided an improved version of my previous coverage. In the case of the Benko Gambit though, I have abandoned the Fianchetto Variation in favour of the main line with 6.¤c3 and 7.e4. I believe this poses more serious problems for Black, and am looking forward to future developments in this variation.

Budapest Gambit

I am happy to change my original prescription of 4.¤f3 in favour of 4.¥f4, in light of the discovery of 4...g5 5.¥d2!, after which White’s position seems extremely promising.

Modern & Other Defences

The final part of the book contains a mix of updates and brand new recommendations. One such instance occurs after 1.d4 d6, when I am no longer recommending 2.¤f3 – not that there is anything wrong with that move, but a game between L’Ami and Mamedyarov inspired me to choose 2.c4 instead. The resulting type of position is one that I find both interesting and advantageous for White.

Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 592

Produktet er en del av serien Grandmaster Repertoire

Denne serien av åpningsbøker fra forlaget Quality Chess har faktisk satt en ny standard som grundige og ganske omfattende bøker fra ledende kapasiteter på de ulike åpningene. Stoffet er skrevet for å ha relevans hos lesere helt opp på stormesternivå, men bøkene er også godt nok presenterte til å nå et publikum et godt stykke nedover i rekkene av alminnelige spillere også med rating ned mot cirka 1400.

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