Sjakk-bøker Sjakktrening og læring, generelt

Master Your Chess with Judit Polgar

Nivå B-D
Utgivelsesdato Mai 2022
Pris 495 NOK
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En imponerende stor og innbydende lærebok for litt viderekomne sjakkelever fra kanskje ratingnivå cirka 1300 og opp i mesterklassen. Her er alle spillets faser og ganske mye angrepssjakk som er Judit Polgar spesial!

Forlagets egen omtale

The story of the Polgar sisters is extraordinary. The idea that Laszlo Polgar, a mediocre chess player, could decide to turn his children into chess geniuses, and then succeed beyond his wildest dreams, is incredible.

It suggests that, with the right training, anything’s possible.

In this book, Judit Polgar - the strongest of the three sisters and a former world top-10 player – reveals some of the secrets of her success. Together with the prize-winning coach, International Master Andras Toth, she has created a course based on the training she received as a young player. It is like having a private lesson from one of the best players in the world.

You will learn how to punish the three most common opening mistakes. And how to spot hidden tactical opportunities and how to force your opponent to play weakening moves. You will understand how to master one of the most difficult skills in chess: seizing the initiative. And you will find the tools to turn yourself into a lean, mean, attacking machine.

Master Your Chess with Judit Polgar covers all aspects of the game: from the opening to the endgame. The manual is accessible both for ambitious beginners wanting to build their chess development on a strong foundation and for intermediate players who have hit a plateau and need new insights to leap forward.

Nobody said mastering chess was easy! But with Grandmaster Judit Polgar and International master Toth behind you, you will learn to Master Your Chess and attack like the chess legend herself.



- Opening Disasters
- Calculation
- Positional Concepts
- Strategy
- Positional Sacrifices
- Tactics
- The Initiative
- The Attack
- The Endgame
- Puzzles
Detaljert info
Innbundet? Ja
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 508
Vekt (g) 1100