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Mastering Queen and Pawn endgames

The Modern Endgame Manual 1
Nivå C-D
Utgivelsesdato August 2016
Pris 320 NOK
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Første bind i en ny sluttspillserie av et stormesterteam og godkjent av FIDE. Denne boka handler om bondesluttspill og dronningsluttspill som jo ofte er tett forbundet med hverandre.

Innledningen i boka:

The first book of the series “The modern endgame manual” is a combination of king & pawn endgames and queen & pawn endgames. The pawn endgames consist of 5 main chapters with a graduation to 35 different topics. The queen endgames consist of 3 main chapters with a graduation to 15 different topics.

King and pawn endgames, compared with others, are relatively direct and can often be calculated to the end, and that’s why the value of each move is much higher than in other endgames with multiple pieces on the board.

Every single move can change the evaluation of the position and “perfect” play is quite possible in most of them. In the majority of pawn endgames knowledge plays the most important role and, of course, the ability to accurately calculate long lines where both sides are aiming to promote their respective pawns. 8roughout the book you will 9nd many theoretical positions, many practical ones and also how the games developed in practical play.

Queen endgames are diHerent because they revolve around a much smaller number of theoretical positions and typical manoeuvres. Therefore the real knowledge here is the ability to use — and evaluate correctly — the roles of the most important elements, such as passed pawns, centralized queens and king marches into the opponent’s camp.

The material inside this book is very useful for players at every level, from the complete beginner up to GM standard! AIer a deep study of this book you will be able to call yourself quite an expert, some thing you will hopefully prove in your future games!

Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 269

Produktet er en del av serien The Modern Endgame Manual

Denne nye, FIDE-godkjente bokserien har tydelig ambisjon om å plassere seg helt sentralt i den etterhvert rikholdige litteraturen om sluttspill. Ni bøker vil i tur og orden gi en systematisk reise og utdanning gjennom alle ifølge forfatterne viktige praktiske sluttspill.

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