Sjakk-bøker Sluttspill Sluttspillstudier

One Bishop Saves the Day

100 studies with just one bishop in the finale
Nivå C-D
Utgivelsesdato Juli 2018
Pris 210 NOK
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Løperen blir hovedperson i de hundre sluttspillstudiene i denne boka samlet og kyndig redigert og presentert av den ukrainske studiekomponisten Sergei Tkachenko. Dette er både vakkert og lærerikt!

Forlagets egen omtale

Learn great traps, turn losses into draws and draws into wins!

Sergei Tkachenko has collected 100 studies whose common theme is that white ends up with just one bishop in the finale, yet manages to win or draw.

There are no more than six moves in any solution, so experienced chess players can analyze the positions directly from the diagrams. Newbies to chess problems will also find analyzing these studies useful. The diverse set of tactical ideas involving a single bishop in the finale will enable them to gain a deeper understanding of the bishop’s resourcefulness.

Some of these studies are classics from bygone ages. Others were originally published in the Soviet Union or ex-Soviet countries. Several are Sergei’s own compositions.

This is the third book in a series of endgame studies.

Sergei Tkachenko (born in 1963, near Odessa, Ukraine) is a member of the Ukrainian team that won the 5th World Chess Composition Tournament in 1997. Sergei coaches the Ukrainian chess composition team. He is also the press secretary of the Chess Composition Committee of the Ukrainian Chess Federation.

Sergei is an award-winning author who has written 18 chess books (in Russian), including compositions and on historical themes. He is deputy chief editor of a Ukrainian chess composition magazine called Problemist of Ukraine and has a regular studies column on the ChessPro website. Sergei is a member of the Ukrainian Union of Journalists. He is a historian and archivist, a mechanical engineering graduate, and additionally spent five years studying theater production.

Om forfatteren Sergei Tkachenko

Dyktig studiekomponist. Deltager på Ukrainas vinnerlag i VM i problemsjakk 1997.
Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 206

Produktet er en del av serien Tkachenkos studiebøker

Den ukrainske studiekomponisten Sergei Tkachenko sin serie av seks bøker med hver 100 sluttspillstudier, sortert etter hvilken type brikke som får spille hovedrollen til slutt. Bøkene utkom først på russisk i 2014 og kommer her på engelsk i 2018.

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