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Small Steps 2 Success (Innbundet)

Mastering Passed Pawn Play
Nivå C-D
Utgivelsesdato November 2019
Pris 385 NOK
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Small Steps 2 Success [PAPERBACK]


Andre del av Shanklands verk om spill med bønder handler om det viktige temaet Fribønder, som det merkelig nok ikke finnes noen annen spesialbok om, annet enn en gammel studiebok av Kasparian på russisk. Shankland gir masse aktuelle eksempler og formulerer flere klare råd og regler.

En imponerende og spennende bok, på relativt høyt nivå, men antagelig utbytterik for spillere fra ratingnivå omlag 13-1400 og oppover! Finnes foreløpig bare som innbundet bok.

Fra forordet

In the Introduction to the first volume, I wrote “If Small Steps to Giant Improvement proves to be a successful book, I will write a second volume on some of the other pawn-related topics.” My word is my bond, but I never cited a timeline in which this had to happen. I could have chosen to write the follow-up many years in the future, after my playing career is over and when I would have more time to write, without having to worry about studying or training. Yet instead, I chose to write the second volume at more or less the first opportunity.

The reason for this is, once again, largely selfish. I wrote Small Steps to Giant Improvement not because I longed to write a book, but because I wanted to investigate a topic that I did not understand as well as I should have. I strongly believe that the study and process of writing Small Steps to Giant Improvement improved my understanding dramatically, and was one of the biggest reasons for my recent meteoric rise. I wrote Small Steps 2 Success as a means of continuing to investigate a topic that I would like to understand better,

Forlagets egen omtale

Pawn play is a fundamental aspect of chess strategy, yet often neglected in chess literature. In this, his second book on pawn play, Super-GM Sam Shankland sheds light on the vital topic of Passed Pawns.

Passed pawns – whether connected, lone or protected – are common occurrences in middlegames and endgames, and your effectiveness in playing with or against them will make the difference between victory and defeat. Just like in his previous book, Shankland breaks down each topic into a series of crystal-clear guidelines to aid the reader.

Sam Shankland is a world-class Grandmaster and a mainstay of the US national team. He won the 2018 US Championship and is a double Olympiad gold medallist with a 2700+ rating.

Praise for the author’s previous work

  • A beautifully produced hardback... Shankland wins me over by illustrating these guidelines beautifully... an excellent, original book. 5/5 Stars
    GM Matthew Sadler, New in Chess

  • The book accomplishes its goals very well and the discussions are enlightening... a self improvement manual well worth studying! 5/5 Stars
    Carsten Hansen, American Chess Magazine

  • An intimate, unvarnished interrogation of a strong Grandmaster’s mind at work, and a clear articulation of the pragmatism at the heart of contemporary chess praxis. It is a fascinating first effort from the new US Champion, and I sincerely hope that the promised second volume soon sees the light of day.
    John Hartmann, Chess Life


Om forfatteren Sam Shankland

Sam Shankland er en ung amerikansk stormester som har klatret opp mot verdenseliten. Han gjorde seg sterkt bemerket med individuell gullmedalje i sjakk-OL i Tromsø 2014 og bidro til at USA vant laggull i OL 2016. I 2015 og 2017 spilte han på førstebord for USA i VM for landslag.
Detaljert info
Innbundet? Ja
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 360

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