Sjakk-bøker Midtspillet strategi Innføring i strategi

Soviet Middlegame Technique

Nivå B-C
Utgivelsesdato Mars 2013
Pris 235 NOK
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To virkelige klassikere i sjakkinstruksjon av den tidlige sovjetmesteren Romanovsky, her samlet til ett stort bind. Verdifullt om henholdsvis planlegging og kombinasjoner, for spillere fra et forsiktig mellomnivå og oppover.

De to bøkene i dette bindet er opprinnelig fra 1929, men Romanovsky oppdaterte det hele etter krigen til denne utgaven. Sjakkopplæring fra den sovjetiske sjakkskolen, gjennom klassiske, mange gamle eksempler for spillere med ratingstyrke omlag 800 og oppover særlig til cirka 2000, men mye interessant stoff også for mesterspillere.



  • Introduction 7
  • (A) General System 8
  • (i) Basic concepts 8
  • (ii) Concrete scheme 10
  • (iii) Dynamics 18
  • (iv) Harmony 25
  • (B) Squares 35
  • (i) Weak point 35
  • (ii) The “permanent” knight 37
  • (iii) Weak squares on the sixth (third) rank 42
  • (iv) A few conclusions 49
  • (C) Open Lines 50
  • 1 Two Wins by Wilhelm Steinitz – Their Creative and Technical Substance 58
  • 2 Stages in a Plan – Square and File as Targets of the Plan – The Preparatory
    • Stage – The Stage of Concrete Action – Exploitation of Gains 66
  • 3 Play on the a-File 83
  • 4 The Centre – Its Strategic Significance – Knights on e5 and d5 (e4 and d4)
    • The Pawn Centre – Attacking with the Centre Pawns – Hanging Pawns 95
  • 5 More about Active Pawn Play – The Pawn Wedge and How to React to It
    • The “Nail” Pawn – The Phalanx of e- and f-pawns – The Pawn Storm 137
  • 6 Battle of the Major Pieces 169
  • 7 Manoeuvring – The Initiative 187
  • 8 The Two Bishops 209


  • 9 What is a Combination? 221
  • 10 The Elements of Combination – Motif and Theme 223
  • 11 The Aesthetics of Combination: General Concepts 228
  • 12 Idea and Technique of an “Incarcerated King” Combination 232
  • 13 More about Aesthetics – Pseudo-Sacrifice – Queen Sacrifice 236
  • 14 On the Theory of Combination – Typical Ideas 248
  • 15 Modern History of Combinations – The Immortal Game
    • Masterpieces from the End of the 19th Century 267
  • 16 Double Attack – Attacks on Pieces by Pawns 291
  • 17 Positional Weakness as a Combinative Motif
    • Combinations Invited by Weaknesses in the Castled Position
    • Sacrifice of Bishop for Pawn on g3, h3, g6, h6 313
  • 18 Combinative Attack with Two Bishops
    • Harmonious Action of Rooks on the Second and Seventh Ranks
    • Rook Sacrifice on g7 333
  • 19 Harmonious Action of Rook and Bishop
    • The Theme of Trapping a Piece 361
  • 20 The Interference Device in Various Combinative Schemes 380
  • 21 How Players Think During the Game 389
  • Index of Names 413
Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 416