Sjakk-bøker Midtspillet strategi Innføring i strategi

The Essence of Chess Strategy Volume 2

Pawn Structures
Utgivelsesdato Juli 2022
Pris 440 NOK
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En nesten ultimat bok om spill med og mot ulike viktige bondestrukturer i sjakk.


I have known Boroljub since childhood. When I think of him, the first word that comes to my mind is “PASSION”. Be it chess or football, the Dunst Opening or the Nimzovich Defense, he always seemed to be able to reach heights due to his devotion and dedication to whatever he was currently busy with. It isn’t surprising that this finally results in his encyclopedic knowledge of whatever area he chooses to focus on. I will mention an interesting episode.

At some point in his life, Boroljub developed an affection for game shows. It didn’t take too long before he became a TV celebrity, giving correct answers to incredibly difficult questions in super diverse areas. I vividly remember almost falling off my chair while I was watching him on “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire“, thinking how can this guy know EVERYTHING?? Quiz show producers simply stopped inviting him under the threat of bankruptcy! When he started teaching, he continued doing it with the same enthusiasm. This sentiment can be felt throughout this book, and together with great material, it gives the reader that little extra something, that can’t be described by words, but only felt.

Taking advantage of the doubled pawns has always been my forte. Sometimes it feels like I based my chess career on it almost entirely! And I can't emphasize enough the importance of this simple advice: Learn how to play the pawns, they really are the soul of chess! With the material that was carefully chosen and analyzed, Boroljub will help you get one step closer to the great Philidor.

GM Dragan Solak, May 2022.


008 Foreword

009 Preface

011 Chapter 1 - Passed Pawns

065 Chapter 2 - The Majority

139 Chapter 3 - Doubled Pawns

195 Chapter 4 - Backward Pawns

253 Chapter 5 - Hanging Pawns

295 Chapter 6 - Pawn Islands

333 Chapter 7 - Isolated Pawns

425 Chapter 8 - Pawn Chains

489 Index of Games


Om forfatteren Boroljub Zlatanovic

Forfatteren er en serbisk sjakkspillere og trener, med status som IM siden 2014 og FIDE-trener siden 2015.
Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 524

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