Sjakk-bøker Åpningsbøker 1 e4-åpninger Caro-Kann

The Modernized Caro-Kann

A Complete Repertoire against 1.e4
Nivå C-D
Utgivelsesdato Juni 2018
Pris 340 NOK
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En imponerende og ambisiøs bok om og med Caro-Kann særlig for svart. Den unge sterke forfatteren har masse erfaring med åpningen både med hvit og svart. Han velger 4...Sd7 i stedet for 4...Lf5 som hovedvariant.

Blant annet en temmelig dyptpløyende teoribok som går videre med konkrete analyser fra mange stillinger som det kan sies noe generelt om.

Forlagets egen omtale:

The Caro-Kann Defence, long renowned for being a solid and reliable defence against 1.e4, is undergoing a renaissance at the moment. In addition to being a mainstay in the repertoires of a recent World Champion (Viswanathan Anand) and a 2018 World Championship candidate (Ding Liren), it is being flooded with new and creative ideas from a range of other top players, notably Anand’s Indian Olympiad teammates Vidit and Adhiban. The pawn structures in this opening leave considerable room for individual interpretation.

This book is written for the Black side, though new ideas for White are suggested and old ones occasionally improved. It contains not only the author’s personal take on how to deal with all major White tries after 1.e4 c6, but also a range of alternatives for Black to cater for different types of Caro-Kann player. This repertoire builds on the existing state of theory, taking it in novel, exciting and decidedly modern direc- tions, while not forgetting about the opening’s sound strategic underpinnings.

About the Author

GM Daniel Fernandez (born 1995) has been an active and accomplished player for several years. He represented his nativd Singapore twice at Olympiads (2010 and 2012) before transferring to the English chess federation. There, he won the national classical titles at U-18 and U-21 levels, and worked to become a Grandmaster while simultaneously studying at Cambridge. The Caro-Kann was instrumental in his quest for that title. Currently, Daniel is known in the chess scene not only as a solid player, but also as a mentor figure to younger English players, as a producer of well-received commentary and analysis, and as a multilingual chess coach. This is his first book.

Fra forfatterens introduksjon i boka:

The Modernized Caro Kann

Aims of this book

In the book you are now holding in your hand, I intend to straddle not only two, but all three of the above categories, darting from rigorous theory to anecdote to jealously guarded novelty and then all the way back. The book is intensely personal, as befits an opening book about an opening I have played from both sides no less than 60 times over 8 years. Hopefully, this depth of experience has helped me to bring together these disparate ways of looking at the various lines into one coherent narrative.

I have tried to write a one-of-a-kind book, overflowing with not only novelties but also plans, useful context and passion. The range of methods is quite astounding: I’ve used illustrative games (Chapter II.5) and ridiculous computer lines (subchapter IV.3.2), meshed together qualitative and objective evaluations, sometimes for the same position, and occasionally found some really great lines through trusting my gut feeling above the computer (subchapter I.5.5)

Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 416