Sjakk-bøker Åpningsbøker 1 d4-åpninger Åpninger med 1 d4 Sf6 2 c4 e6

The Nimzo-Indian Bible for White - Vol. 2

Nivå C-D
Utgivelsesdato April 2023
Pris 415 NOK
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En herlig spesialbok om å spille 4 e3 mot Nimzoindisk. Stormester Pavlovic presenterer stoffet fra hvits side, ofte med flere varianter å velge mellom slik virkeligheten er i denne ganske fleksible åpningen.

Boka blir samtidig en god guide for svartspillerne som vil klare seg gjennom med en tilstrekkelig bra stilling, som ofte er innen rekkevidde i denne sunne åpningen. 14 tydelige kapitler og flere diagrammer på hver side gjør boka ekstra godt tilgjengelig for oss som lesere.

På grunn av omfanget er dette bøker mest for spillere fra ratingnivå cirka 1500 og langt opp.

Forfatterens forord:

I have worked with the best, or perhaps it’s better to say that I have learned from the best; that’s how I can best describe this book, because I spent some time with Svetozar Gligoric in the early 2000s and the Nimzo-Indian was also present. I can’t really say that we went into great detail, but we certainly did discuss various systems. This book in particular is about the Rubinstein 4.e3 systems. Some of the material has been analyzed in my earlier book on the QGD and Nimzo, while some other material is presented in Volume 1 in this short series, which covers the Nimzo with 4.Bd2 and 4.Qc2. From other published books I used Gligoric’s book on the Nimzo-Indian and Ivan Sokolov’s book on the Nimzo with 4.e3. I found both books useful.

I need to give one explanation here and it’s about the Tal Variation because that system is treated also in my Volume 1, where I analyze the 4.Bd2 line. In this Volume 2 I have omitted all positions where White places a bishop on d2 early in the game, while Volume 1 deals exclusively with an early bishop to d2 move by White.

I hope readers will enjoy both of those books.

Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 290
Vekt (g) 550

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  • The Nimzo-Indian Bible for White - Vol. 1

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