Video Åpninger Åpninger med 1 d4 Dronninggambit

The Triangle Setup A complete defense against 1.d4

Nivå B-D
Utgivelsesdato Februar 2015
Pris 355 NOK
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En proff DVD om svarts skarpe åpningsvalg med d5, e6 og c6 i de tre første trekkene mot d4 fra hvit. Svart venter med Sf6 og gjør da hvit uvitende om han eller hun planlegger Noteboom med dxc4 eller Stonewall hollandsk med f5.

En ny flott DVD med den pedagogiske, hyggelige og sterk polske stormesteren og med det moderne interaktive konseptet til ChessBase, med også en egen eksklusiv database med 50 kommenterte partier.

ChessBase sin egen omtale:

The Semi-Slav defense (1.d4 d5 followed by ...e7-e6 and ...c7-c6) is one of the most popular opening set-ups for Black. Black can follow two entirely different concepts. One includes an early ...Ng8-f6 and leads to a number of popular and deeply analysed systems: the Meran, the Anti-Meran, the Botvinnik, the Moscow, the Anti- Moscow, the Westphalian, etc. The other, in which Black refrains from ...Ng8-f6 at an early stage, is presented by GM Michal Krasenkow on this DVD. Black keeps a choice between two double-edged interesting systems: the Noteboom variation (1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 c6 4.Nf3 dxc4) and the Stonewall (...f7-f5) if White plays an early e2-e3. Of course Black’s decision to refrain from an early ...Ng8-f6 gives White other options, the most important being the Slav gambit (1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 c6 4.e4 etc.). Therefore Black’s set-up may lead to a whole range of different and interesting positions, which help the black player to broaden his strategic and tactical understanding. This makes the Noteboom/Stonewall opening repertoire a particularly good choice for young, aspiring players.

• Video running time: 5 hours 29 minutes • With interactive training including video feedback • Analysis texts of the variations by Krasenkow • Exclusive database with 75 annotated Grandmaster games • Including CB 12 Reader

Detaljert info
Type DVD
Språk Engelsk
Spilletid 05:29