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Tricks, Traps, and Tips in the Chess Opening

Practical Lessons for Ambitious Improvers
Nivå B-C
Utgivelsesdato Juli 2022
Pris 295 NOK
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En erfaren amerikansk sjakktrener presenterer hundrevis av lærerike feil i åpningsspillet innen typiske kategorier og åpninger som etter hans opplevelser er ekstra nyttige. Mye er videreutvikling av temaer i vår egen bok "Lær sjakk".

Alt ledsages av gode og ikke for vanskelige øvingsoppgaver. En fin bok for å sikre at disse temaene virkelig sitter, og dermed også nyttig for sjakktrenere med elever opp til nivået cirka 1600.

Som vanlig blir ordet Traps (feller) brukt i markedsføringen gjennom navnet på boka, men i virkeligheten er det lite snakk om å legge feller, nesten bare hva spillere skal passe seg for, og dermed utnytte hvis muligheten skulle by seg!

Forlagets egen omtale

A good start is half the battle. Experienced American chess coach Dean Ippolito has trained thousands beginners and adult improvers and knows exactly how you should build your opening knowledge.

Each chapter focuses on a concrete tactical theme. Those will allow you to set traps, and play tricks, but will also develop your general understanding of opening play with concepts as development and the importance of the center.

In this first book of a series of three, Ippolito gives you the tools you need to start your chess games with confidence. Delve into the exciting world of the Center Fork Trick, the Fried Liver Attack, and many more powerful openings tips and tactics.

Dean Ippolito has been considered one of the best coaches in the United States for more than two decades. By the age of 25, he had already coached three of the five youngest national champions in American history. A former prodigy himself, International Master Ippolito understands what is needed to climb the rankings of scholastic chess players. Ippolito has written five well-regarded chess books, including the successful Wojo's Weapons series.

Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 223
Vekt (g) 560