1000 Chess Problems

Utgivelsesdato April 2024
Pris 390 NOK
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1000 Chess Problems is a book where the title tells part of the story, but the vital point in such books is the care and expertise that the author has put into selecting just the right examples. Yakov Vladimirov is superbly qualified for this task, and has selected positions that will instruct and entertain competitive chessplayers.

1000 Chess Problems will develop your combinative flair while highlighting the beauty and profundity of chess.



004 Key to Symbols
005 Publisher's Foreword
007 Preface
011 1) A Two-mover? It's Very Simple!
121 2) The Queen of Chess Problems
251 3) Through the Maze of Variations
339 4) In the World of Chess Fantasy
365 Index of Themes
368 Index of Composers
Detaljert info
Innbundet? Ja
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 376