Sjakk-bøker Åpningsbøker Generelt Åpningsrepertoar

An Aggressive Counterattacking Repertoire based on ...g6

Utgivelsesdato Oktober 2018
Pris 230 NOK
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To åpningsbøker om å spille Kongeindisk og Dragevarianten i siciliansk, begge aggressive med trekket ...g6, utgitt samlet som én bok, til en svært gunstig pris. Dette er innføringsbøker som gir god oversikt og en del forklaring.

Stormester Joe Gallagher er en ekstra kyndig mann når han gir svartspilleren gode råd og viser konkrete partier og varianter i Kongeindisk.

Forlagets egen omtale

Two great books from the Everyman Chess Library, Starting Out: The King’s Indian by Joe Gallagher and Starting Out: The Sicilian Dragon by Andrew Martin, brought together in one volume.

The King's Indian is one of the most exciting defences in chess and is favoured by ambitious and aggressive players. At the highest level it has been a major weapon for World Champions Bobby Fischer and Garry Kasparov. In this easy-to-read guide, Grandmaster Joe Gallagher goes back to the basics of the King's Indian, studying the key principles of its many variations. Throughout the book there are an abundance of notes, tips, warnings and exercises to help the improving player, while important strategies, ideas and tactics for both sides are clearly illustrated.

In Starting Out: The Sicilian Dragon Andrew Martin studies this famous opening in a simplistic way, introducing the crucial initial moves and ideas and taking care to explain the reasoning behind them, something that has sometimes been neglected or taken for granted. Few would disagree that the Sicilian Dragon is one of the most exciting, high profile and controversial openings in chess history. Right from the very beginning of the game Black chooses to unbalance the position, thus maximising his or her chances of playing for a win. The positions reached are dynamic and of a highly tactical nature, with both players very often going straight for each other's throats in search of a quick-fire knockout blow.

In these razor-sharp encounters, it goes without saying that one slip by either side can prove to be fatal. Because of its aggressive nature, the Sicilian Dragon is very popular at all levels of chess, while it received an ultimate seal of approval when Garry Kasparov used it as his main weapon to beat Vishy Anand in a World Championship match.

Samlebok, som inkluderer originalen: Starting Out: The King's Indian [PAPERBACK]
Samlebok, som inkluderer originalen: Starting Out: The Sicilian Dragon [PAPERBACK]
Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 384

Produktet er en del av serien Starting Out

Forlaget Everymans bokserie som har blitt en stor suksess. Alle disse bøkene (noen av dem utgitt i CD-bokversjon i tillegg) er introduksjoner til ulike åpninger og andre sentrale temaer. De er ikke for nybegynnere, men særlig bøkene med de videste og mest generelle temaene passer bra fra relativt ferske spillere og oppover. Alle gir en grunnleggende innføring i temaet som de handler om, med tydelige forklaringer i tillegg til konkret kunnskap.

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