Sjakk-bøker Midtspillet strategi Strategi generelt

Dynamic Decision Making in Chess

Nivå C-D
Utgivelsesdato August 2016
Pris 310 NOK
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Gelfand følger opp den store suksessen fra "Positional Decision Making in Chess" med en ny bok om sjakktenking på høyt nivå. Her det å ta beslutninger i mer dynamiske stillinger.

I tillegg til det høye sjakkfaglige nivået er det først og fremst en leseverdig og ærlig fortellende bok om mye interessant i og rundt Gelfands sjakkliv. Han forteller blant annet om sin unge juniorår på Petrosjans sjakkskole. Må leses!

Boris Gelfand er kjent som en av de dypeste tenkende og mest erfarne spillerne i verdenstoppen gjennom mange år. Han spilte blant annet en jevn VM-match mot Anand så nylig som i 2012.

Forlagets egen omtale

In Dynamic Decision Making in Chess former World Championship Challenger Boris Gelfand continues his investigation into decision-making at the top level, discussing some of his best games as well as his worst slips, giving the reader a unique insight into the mind of a world-class grandmaster.

Grandmaster Boris Gelfand has been an elite player for 30 years, winning the World Cup, Olympiad Gold, Candidates and many other top tournaments.

PRAISE FOR 'Positional Decision Making in Chess':

WINNER of the 2015 ECF Book of the Year award.

GM Matthew Sadler, New in Chess:

  • “Gelfand is very good – and very honest – at explaining which decisions he could calculate and which decisions he needed to take on the basis of judgment, and how he did that... It adds up to the type of book I love... I think this book has masses to teach any strength of player.”

  • GM David Smerdon: “The most useful decision-making chess guide I have ever read.”

Fra innledningen til Gelfand, som fikk følge et Sovjetmesterskap på nært hold da han var 11 år gammel:

I was incredible lucky that I had the chance to be present at the 1979 Soviet Championship, which was played in Minsk. I would go to the playing hall and watch the games; every day, every minute. Some of the games made a big impression on me and we shall look at them briefly in this chapter. Alexander Nikitin and Boris Postovsky gave me the tip to write down what I was thinking during the game, in order to analyse the games afterwards and of course to compare it with what the players chose during the game. I did this and it helped my development immensely. As with Positional Decision Making in Chess, I want to show not only what I have been able to do in the field of dynamics, but also where my understanding of dynamics comes from. ...

Og etter det første partiet i boka, Tsesjkovskij- Kupreitsjik (1979):

When you are watching this live in the tournament hall as a child, you cannot help but be overwhelmed. This is one of the reasons why I think young players should be encouraged to watch top tournament games. If they cannot make it to the tournament hall, then at least follow the games online. Be entirely focused on the games, without online commentary or a mind-numbing engine, trying to find ideas of your own, calculating the various possibilities as the players think about them.

Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 288

Produktet er en del av serien Gelfand's Decision Making

En hel serie av høyklasse-bøker med verdensstjernen Boris Gelfand, som tapte VM-match mot Anand i 2012 med minste margin. Dette er bøker som gir unik innsikt i beslutningene til en stormester av absolutt toppklasse.

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  • Positional Decision Making in Chess

    Den mangeårige verdensstjernen Boris Gelfand deler i denne boka mange av tankene sine om særlig strategiske beslutninger i et sjakkparti. Her er det uvanlig mye innsikt i sjakk og i moderne sjakk på høyt nivå.

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