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Encyclopaedia of Chess Openings B1 5. utgave

Nivå C-D
Utgivelsesdato Desember 2020
Pris 550 NOK
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En helt oppdatert og utvidet utgave langt inn i 2020 av første halvdel av gode gamle åpnings-Encyklopedia B (B00-49), sjakkspillernes bibel gjennom flere tiår! Dette er altså 5. utgave, og flere bind kommer ventelig.

Når Encyklopedien(e) stadig kan være en god, spennende og ganske presis kilde til studium av åpningene, skyldes det både det systematiske og ryddige oppsettet med Informators berømte språkløse og plasseffektive tegnsystem, samspillet med moderne databaser og analysemotorer, og at hver del i tillegg har levende moderne stormestere og internasjonale mestere som ansvarlige redaktører.

Sjakk-tegnspråket i disse bøkene er forklart på åtte språk, inkludert også svensk.

Innholdet i dette bindet:

B00 King's Pawn Opening

B01 Scandinavian Defence

B02-05 Alekhine's Defence

B06 Robatsch (Modern) Defence

B07-09 Pirc Defence

B10-19 Caro-Kann Defence

B22 Sicilian Defence, Alapin Variation, 2.c3

B23-26 Sicilian Defence, Closed Variation, 2.Nc3

B33 Sicilian Defence, Lasker/Sveshnikov Variation

B34-39 Sicilian Defence, Accelerated Fianchetto

B40-49 Sicilian Defence, Paulsen-Kan/Taimanov Variation

Forlagets omtale av serien:

Half a century ago the first edition of the Encyclopaedia of Chess Openings was released, as a truly unique, ground-breaking tome. Such monumental work was a logical continuation to the Informant series which came to life a few years earlier. Chess Informant introduced a completely revolutionary system of chess signs, and also created the classification of chess openings, according to codes (ECO codes). Today Chess Informant’s ECO Codes and System of Signs are integral parts of the universal chess culture and heritage.

Over the years, and subsequent editions of five ECO tomes (A, B, C, D and E) all the greatest chess players and analysts contributed to the Encyclopaedias, each focusing on the sections which they were most acquainted with, producing astounding analyses and recommendations.

Eighteen years passed since the previous edition of the Encyclopaedia of Chess Openings - Volume B was released. We tried to keep all the major qualities of the previous ECO Volumes intact, but to make the book easier to read and browse through, especially when used as a source of reference. The material we gathered was so rich in details and nuances, so ultimately we decided to publish the ECO B Volume in two parts. We are positive that omitting any of the lines would be a terrible shame, so you will have the pleasure of reading and digesting the material in its completeness.

Finally, we are sure that the human touch should remain crucial, so all the members of the editorial crew gave their absolute best in researching, analysing, evaluating and suggesting lines of the greatest value and strength, thus allowing you to read the book and apply the lines in your own games with complete confidence.

ECO B - Part I contains detailed coverage of ECO codes B00-49

Detaljert info
Innbundet? Ja
Type Bok
Antall sider 484

Produktet er en del av serien Encyclopaedia of Chess Openings (ECO)

Fem store bind som på en systematisk og fortettet måte gir den største oversikten over sjakkens åpningsteori som finnes på trykk. To av dem finnes fortsatt tilgjengelige i ganske ny utgave.

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