Sjakk-bøker Midtspillet strategi Strategi generelt

Mastering the Middlegame

Nivå B-C
Utgivelsesdato Desember 2010
Pris 215 NOK
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005 Introduction
007 1. Attacking the King
- The King in the Centre
- Castling on Opposite Wings
- Eliminating Defenders
- Stay Alert
- Try it Yourself
040 2. Definding - Keep Calm!
- Defence
- Counterattack
- The Knockout Blow
- Nobody´s Perfect
056 3. Opening Lines
- Infiltration
- Try Diagonal
- Try it Yourself
074 4. Using the Pieces
- The Rook on the Seventh Rank
- The Queen Sacrifice
- Bishops versus Knights
- Opposite-Coloured Bishops
- Try it Yourself
104 5. Using the Pawns
- Structural Strengths and eaknesses
- The Power of the d-pawn
- The Pawn Brak
- Sacrificing a Piece for Pawns
122 6. Further Ideas
- Creating and Using Outposts
- The Colour Complex
- Piece Placement
- Complex Situations
139 7. Solution to Exercises
Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 144