Sjakk-bøker Åpningsbøker 1 e4-åpninger Siciliansk

Opening Repertoire: The Sveshnikov

Utgivelsesdato Mars 2020
Pris 265 NOK
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En ny skikkelig repertoarbok med våre dagers både aggressive og solide Sicilianer: Sveshnikov-varianten 1 e4 c5 2 Sf3 Sc6 3 d4 cxd4 4 Sxd4 Sf6 5 Sc3 e5. Slik kom Magnus Carlsen til og med litt på offensiven med svart mot Caruana i VM-matchen.

Forlagets egen omtale:

The Sveshnikov Variation of the Sicilian Defence provides a battleground for one of the key conflicts in chess: structure versus activity. Black voluntarily accepts a weak pawn formation but in return obtains easy development and excellent piece activity. This is a line that finds favour with aggressive, attacking players who are confident in their tactical ability.

The idea of playing ...e5 in the Sicilian is an old one but the modern Sveshnikov treatment was developed in the 1970s, since when it has featured in the repertoires of numerous elite players. It is currently experiencing great popularity due to the fact that it was Magnus Carlsen’s choice in his World Championship Match against Fabiano Caruana in London 2018. Carlsen’s success with the line was a significant factor in his eventual victory in the match. Since then he has continued to use the Sveshnikov with great success.

In Opening Repertoire: The Sveshnikov leading chess author Cyrus Lakdawala guides the reader through the complexities of this dynamic variation and carves out a repertoire for Black. He examines all aspects of this highly complex opening and provides the reader with well-researched, fresh, and innovative analysis. Each annotated game has valuable lessons on how to play the opening and contains instructive commentary on typical middlegame plans.

  • A complete repertoire for Black in the Sicilian Sveshnikov.

  • A question and answer approach provides an excellent study method.

Cyrus Lakdawala is an International Master, a former National Open and American Open Champion, and a six-time State Champion. He has been teaching chess for over 30 years, and coaches some of the top junior players in the U.S.

Noen sitater fra forordet til boka:

"Choosing our opening is similar to choosing our religion. To practice, we must first generate faith. Mine was instant with the Sveshnikov."

"The difference between study and over the board battles is the difference between re-ceiving a post card from Venice and actually going there on vacation. Our opening choices are mirrors of who we are, rather than molders of us."

"When a gorilla seeks to take control and goes alpha, he thumps his chest and bellows warnings to potential rivals. Primatologists refer to this behaviour as “threat display domi-nance”. This also describes the Sveshnikov Sicilian, which can be a scary place. The time has come for me to issue to the readers, warnings, encouraging slogans and homilies."


Om forfatteren Cyrus Lakdawala

Cyrus Lakdawala er en Internasjonal mester (IM) fra USA som i senere år faktisk må ha blitt verdens mest produktive sjakkforfatter. Likevel leverer han bok etter bok som er både instruktiv, poengtert og leseverdig. Han skriver så lett og vittig at det er mulig å mene at han overdriver, men en Lakdawala-bok er i alle fall langt fra tørr og kjedelig. Det er åpenbart dagens effektive analysemotorer og partibaser som gjør det mulig å levere raskt så mye sjakkstoff på et faglig bra nivå. Lakdawala har tydelig en glimrende oversikt selv og klarer å nå reelt godt fram til alminnelige sjakkspillere kanskje mest på ratingnivå cirka 1200 - 2000.
Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 320