Video/DVD Midtspill og sjakktrening Strategi og planlegging

Pawn Structures you should know

Nivå B-D
Utgivelsesdato September 2016
Pris 340 NOK
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En nyttig ny DVD der stormester Michailchishin gjennomgår fire av de viktigste typene bondestrukturer i midtspillet: Treraderen (Hedgehog), Maroczy, Hengende bønder og Isolert dronningbonde, alle med instruktive partieksempler.

Stoff midt i blinken ikke minst for spillere på ratingnivå 1300 - 2000 som vil opp på et proffere sjakknivå, og for mesterspillere som vil ha en aktuell gjennomgang av kjente temaer med en stormester som har vært og er sjakktrener på høyeste nivå.

ChessBase sin egen omtale:

Aaron Nimzowitsch knew how to teach chess and he knew how to study the middlegame: His advice was to “study typical pawn structures.” Every typical structure has its typical plans and to know these plans helps you to find your way in these positions. On this DVD the author presents and explains the most common central structures every chessplayer should know: The Hedgehog, the Maroczy, Hanging pawns and the Isolani.

• Video running time: 5 hours 6 min (English) • With interactive training including video feedback • Exclusive training database with 78 extra games • Including CB 12 Reader

System requirements

Minimum: Pentium III 1 GHz, 1 GB RAM, Windows Vista, XP (Service Pack 3), DirectX9 graphic card with 256 MB RAM, DVD-ROM drive, Windows Media Player 9, ChessBase 12/Fritz 13 or included Reader and internet connection for program activation. Recommended: PC Intel Core i7, 2.8 GHz, 4 GB RAM, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10, DirectX10 graphic card (or compatible) with 512 MB RAM or better, 100% DirectX10 compatible sound card, Windows Media Player 11, DVD-ROM drive and internet connection for program activation.


Isolani: 01: Introduction and Video 1 - Rubinstein,A - Tartakower,S; Tal,M - Agzamov,G [13:37] 02: Video 2 - Lerner,K - Kharitonov,A [06:13] 03: Video 3 -Keene,R - Miles,A; Velimirovic,D - Rukavina,J [06:16] 04: Video 4 -Dominguez Perez,L - Moradiabadi,E; Korchnoi,V - Karpov,A [08:38] 05: Video 5 - Botvinnik,M - Zagoriansky,E; Karpov,A - Spassky,B [08:31] 06: Video 6 - Rubinstein,A - Johner,P; Regedzinski,T - Rubinstein,A [04:36] 07: Video 7 - Yurtaev,L - Temirbaev,S; Pritchett,C - Beliavsky,A; Bareev,E - Farago,I [08:21] 08: Video 8 - Rubinstein,A - Yates,F; Cramling,P - Krush,I [04:04] 09: Video 9 - Rubinstein,A - Salwe,G; Kasparov,G - Illescas Cordoba,M [05:17] 10: Video 10 - Pinter,J - Kortchnoi,V; Karpov,A - Kasparov,G [07:45]

Hanging pawns: 11: Video 1 - Rubinstein,A - Nimzowitsch,A; Bertok,M - Fischer,R; Spassky,B - Tal,M [08:03] 12: Video 2 - Makarov,M - Ibragimov,I; Gulko,B - Shabalov,A [03:43] 13: Video 3 - Kortschnoj,V - Antoshin,V; Krasenkow,M - Beliavsky,A [03:36] 14: Video 4 - Onischuk,A - Jakovenko,D; Beliavsky,A - Giorgadze,T [05:09] 15: Video 5 - Petrosian,A - Roskar,R; Filippov,V - Fominyh,A; Mikhalchishin,A - Beliavsky,A [06:03] 16: Video 6 - Mikhalchishin - Shmirin; Vaganian,R - Pushkov,N [04:23] 17: Video 7 - Spassky,B - Hort,V; Gavrikov,V - Yudasin,L [05:04]

Maroczy structure: 18: Video 1 - Porat,Y - Larsen,B; Olafsson,F - Simagin,V [07:05] 19: Video 2 - Furman,S - Giorgadze,T; Karlsson,L - Larsen,B [05:35] 20: Video 3 - Mieses,J - Chigorin,M; Botvinnik,M - Lombardy,W [03:54] 21: Video 4 - Kortschnoj,V - Huebner,R; Beliavsky,A - Pavlovic,M [04:59] 22: Video 5 - Botvinnik,M - Kholodkevich,K; Lisitsin,G - Botvinnik,M [04:09] 23: Video 6 - Ivkov,B - Ree,H; Polugaevsky,L - Ostojic,P; Grigoriants,S - Halyavskiy,N [03:52] 24: Video 7 - Portisch,L - Pfleger,H; Portisch,L - Ljubojevic,L; Gelfand,B - Anand,V [06:41] 25: Video 8 - Kochiev - Mikhalchishin; Beliavsky,A - Velimirovic,D [05:46] 26: Video 9 -Beliavsky,A - Hjartarson,J; Smyslov,V - Timman,J [09:09] 27: Video 10 - Beliavsky,A - Kovchan,A [05:43] 28: Video 11 - Larsen,B - Fisher,R [05:55] 29: Video 12 - Spassky,B - Savon,V [04:44]

Hedgehog: 30: Video 1 - Mikhalchishin,A - Yurtaev,L [06:59] 31: Video 2 - Taimanov,M - Jussupow,A [06:16] 32: Video 3 - Hort,V - Tal,M; Kortschnoj,V - Adorjan,A; Polugaevsky,L - Romanishin,O [09:57] 33: Video 4 - Petrosian,T - Psakhis,L; Mikhalchishin,A - Jelen,I; Ivanchuk,V - Adams,M [12:33] 34: Video 5 - Polugaevsky,L - Ljubojevic,L; Zheliandinov,V - Bobotsov,M [05:04] 35: Video 6 - Beliavsky,A - Lutz,C; Aronian,L - Jakovenko,D [08:13] 36: Video 7 - Mikhalchishin,A - Rajkovic,D; Mikhalchishin,A - Galego,L [05:30] 37: Video 8 - Stangl,M - Dinstuhl,B [03:44] 38: Video 9 - Vaganian,R - Psakhis,L; Romanishin,O - Petrosian,T [09:23] 39: Video 10 - Karpov,A - Gheorghiu,F; Karpov,A - Ribli,Z [06:32] 40: Video 11 - Krasenkow,M - Gdanski,J; Beliavsky,A - Salov,V [10:44]

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Type DVD
Språk Engelsk
Spilletid 05:06

Produktet er en del av serien Mikhalchishins midtspill-DVDer

Denne DVD-serien gir supert stoff for bedre forståelse av sjakkstrategi! Stormester Adrian Mikhalchishin er en av verdens ledende sjakktrenere og leder i FIDEs trenerkommisjon.

Vis andre produkter i denne serien