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Practical Endgame Play - Mastering the Basics

Nivå B-C
Utgivelsesdato April 2008
Pris 235 NOK
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Enda en god sluttspillbok og avgjort av de beste og mest praktiske særlig for alle spillere med ratingstyrke omlag 1200 - 2200. Dette er stort sett grunnleggende, men ikke elementære sluttspillkunnskaper i en spennende blanding.

En tiltalende og fyldig bok med de fem hovedkapitlene Bondesluttspill, Tårnsluttspill, Sluttspill med lette offiserer, Sluttspill med tårn og lette offiserer og Dronningsluttspill.


005 Bibliography & Acknowledgements
007 Foreword by IM Georgios Makropoulos
009 Introduction by Sotiris Logothetis
011 The Golden Rules of the Endgame
Section 1: Pawn Endings
013 Introduction and The Opposition
020 Key Rules
027 Important Techniques
034 Further Practical Examples
Section 2: Rook Endings
040 Introduction and Rook vs. Pawn(s)
050 Rook & Pawn vs. Rook
058 Rook & 2 Pawns vs. Rook
069 Rook & 2 Pawns vs. Rook & Pawn
077 Rook & 3 Pawns vs. Rook & 2 Pawns
083 Rook & 4 Pawns vs. Rook & 3 Pawns on the same wing
094 Rook & 5 Pawns vs. Rook and 4 Pawns
100 Rook & 4 Pawns with a passed a-pawn vs. Rook & 3 Pawns
110 Rook & 4 Pawns with a passed b-pawn vs. Rook & 3 Pawns
118 Rook & 4 Pawns with a passed c-pawn vs. Rook & 3 Pawns
123 Rook & 4 Pawns with a passed d-pawn vs. Rook & 3 Pawns
131 General Rook Endgame Technique
Section 3: Minor Piece Endings
148 Bishop vs. Pawn(s)
154 Same-coloured Bishop Endgames
173 Opposite-coloured Bishop Endgames
179 Knight vs. Pawn(s)
187 Knight Endgames
202 Good Bishop vs. Bad Knight
211 Good Knight vs. Bad Bishop
Section 4: Rook and Minor Piece Endings
223 Rook vs. Bishop
241 Rook vs. Knight
251 Rook & Bishop vs. Rook
257 Rook & Knight vs. Rook
262 Rook vs. Minor Pieces
Section 5: Queen Endings
272 Queen & Pawn Endgames
292 Queen vs. Various Major & Minor Pieces
315 Index of Players
Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 320