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Silent Checkmate, Chess in cartoons

Utgivelsesdato November 2009
Pris 135 NOK
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Noe så sjeldent som en bok full av tegneserie-tegninger med sjakktema. Det er en tsjekkisk samling, og delvis både elegant, artig, original og morsom.

Tekstene i forbindelse med tegningene er på engelsk.

Fra forordet

The euphoria, which we are trying to reach by means of jokes, cartoons and humour, is only the mood of a stage of our lives, in which we could meet our psychological needs by a subtle expenditure of energy –

the disposition of our childhood when we did not know comedy, were not able to joke and did not need humour to be happy,” Freud closes his book “Jokes and their Relation to Unconscious”.

Spoil yourself for a few happy hours, looking at the cartoons. As we are no longer children we need them to be happy.
Pavel Matocha

Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 75