Video Sluttspill

Tactics - From Basics to Brilliance, vol. 5

Tactics in the Endgame
Nivå B-D
Utgivelsesdato Mai 2014
Pris 340 NOK
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Femte interaktive DVD i denne serien med trening i sjakktaktikk. Denne har 55 utvalgte sluttspill-stillinger å arbeide med, og selve spilletiden er snaut 4 1/2 time. IM Lilov er aktiv sjakktrener på internett og DVD, og nivået er ikke verre enn fra rating cirka 1000 og oppover.


If you are looking to improve your chess, tactical training is a sure-fire path to success. However, there are tactics…and then there are tactics! In the endgame, and often even right after the exchange of queens, most of the standard combinations known from the middlegame no longer work. On this DVD, Valeri Lilov deals with realizing tactical opportunities in such quiet positions as well as the concepts that you need to know in order to discover these at the board. What’s more, he also shows you tricks and techniques that you can use to punish the most common endgame mistakes.

Take a fascinating journey through a world of wonderful combinations and deep ideas with IM Lilov. The young master from Bulgaria has prepared a unique collection of selected tactical problems together with their astounding solutions.

The first thing you should do, however, is try to solve the problems for yourself - particularly because the author has made excellent use of the new interactive training format. He invites you enter your solutions on the board and provides helpful and immediate video feedback, just in case you don’t find the right move on your first attempt. Take your tactical prowess to a whole new level by trying this exciting tactics course with Valeri Lilov!

• Video running time: 4 h 23 min (English) • Interactive training: 55 exercises with explanations and video feedback. • Including CB 12 – Reader

This is what is delivered:
  • Fritztrainer App for Windows and Mac
  • Available as download or on DVD
  • Video course with a running time of approx. 4-8 hrs.
  • Repertoire database: save and integrate Fritztrainer games into your own repertoire (in WebApp Opening or in ChessBase)
  • Interactive exercises with video feedback: the authors present exercises and key positions, the user has to enter the solution. With video feedback (also on mistakes) and further explanations.
  • Sample games as a ChessBase database.
  • New: many Fritztrainer now also available as stream in the ChessBase video portal!
That's what the FritzTrainer App can do for you:
  • Videos can run in the Fritztrainer app or in the ChessBase program with board graphics, notation and a large function bar
  • Analysis engine can be switched on at any time
  • Video pause for manual navigation and analysis in game notation
  • Input of your own variations, engine analysis, with storage in the game
  • Learn variations: view specific lines in the ChessBase WebApp Opening with autoplay, memorize variations and practise transformation (initial position - final position).
  • Active opening training: selected opening positions are transferred to the ChessBase WebApp Fritz-online. In a match against Fritz you test your new knowledge and actively play the new opening.
Even more possibilities: Start FritzTrainer in the ChessBase program!
  • The database with all games and analyses can be opened directly.
  • Games can be easily added to the opening reference.
  • Direct evaluation with game reference, games can be replayed on the analysis board
  • Your own variations are saved and can be added to the own repertoire
  • Replay training
  • LiveBook active
  • All engines installed in ChessBase can be started for the analysis
  • Assisted Analysis
  • Print notation and diagrams (for worksheets)
Detaljert info
Type DVD
Språk Engelsk
Spilletid 04:23

Produktet er en del av serien Tactics - from Basics to Brilliance

En DVD-serie med sjakktaktikk, og ikke bare læring og ikke bare oppgaveløsning, men en intelligent mellomting i ChessBase sitt nye interaktive konsept, som IM Valeri Lilov utnytter dyktig. Nivået er stort sett overkommelig for ratingstyrke fra cirka 800 og progresjon godt oppover.

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