Sjakk-bøker Åpningsbøker 1 e4-åpninger Siciliansk

The Anti-Alapin Gambit

Death to the 2.c3 Sicilian
Nivå C-D
Utgivelsesdato November 2022
Pris 240 NOK
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En spesialbok om å besvare 1 e4 c5 2 c3 med 2...d5 3 exd5 Sf6(!) i stedet for det tidligere automatiske 3...Dxd5. Etter 4 c4?! e6! ofrer dette en bonde med sterkt spill. Boka handler mest om andre svar fra hvit.

Systemet har blitt mer populært etter at Magnus Carlsen brukte det med suksess mot Nils Grandelius i Chessable Masters 2022. Grandelius spilte 4 Lb5+ Sbd7 5 c4, og svart vant etterhvert.

Dette er på ganske kort tid den femte boka i samarbeid mellom de dyktige sjakkforfatterne IM Cyrus Lakdawala og FM Carsten Hansen.

Forlagets egen omtale

When you are ready for a great fighting game in the Sicilian Defense, there are few things there are more annoying than facing the hatefully solid 2.c3 variation, the so-called Alapin Variation.

This is not a shady gambit but it is a weapon that has been used by several grandmasters, including World Champion Magnus Carlsen.

The gambit has the advantage of being unexplored and is still quite unknown. Therefore, this book constitutes the first work dedicated to this fun and tricky variation.

To get a good feel for the intricacies of the various lines, the authors took it upon themselves to play the opening in their online and training games where it proved remarkably effective.

In this work, you will find forty-four thoroughly analyzed main games with lots of explanations and additional analysis as well as a 'Quick Repertoire' that will allow you to play the opening in your games after a minimal amount of study time.

It is time to take your opponents out of their comfort zone and right into yours!


004 Introduction
007 Chapter 1: 4 Bb5+
043 Chapter 2: 4.c4
065 Chapter 3: The Anti-Human 4 Qa4+
094 Chapter 4: 4 Nf3 Line: White plays cxd4
117 Chapter 5: 4 Nf3 Line: White recaptures on d4 with Knight or Queen
148 Chapter 6: The 4...c5xd4 Move Order
187 Chapter 7: The 4...Nxd5 Move Order
210 Chapter 8: The 3 e4-e5 Dodge
222 Quick Repertoire
224 Index of Complete Games
Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 232