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Master Class vol. 13 Tigran Petrosian

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Et særdels innholdsrikt og gjennomarbeidet produkt med hele sjakk-karrieren og -arven etter den armenske verdensmesteren Tigran Petrosian. Disse DVDene kombinerer på en herlig måte underholdning og trening!

ChessBase sin egen omtale:

Tigran Petrosian became the 9th world champion in the history of chess after defeating title holder Mikhail Botvinnik in their match in 1963. Six years later, in 1969, he lost the title to Boris Spassky. But Petrosian remained one of the best players in the world for a long time, paticipating several times the Wch cycle.

In his games, the native-born Armenian excelled with a very correct playing style, avoiding tactical dangers and aiming to win through superior strategy. Legendary were Tigran Petrosian’s defensive skills. Considered a master of prophylaxis, he sensed dangers long before they actually became acute on the board. In his prime, Petrosian was almost invincible.

If you want to improve your strategic skills and your defensive techniques, there just is no better teacher than Tigran Petrosian. Admired as a folk hero in Armenia, he has been emulated by many players there making the country a leading chess nation. Let our authors (Yannick Pelletier, Mihail Marin, Karsten Müller and Oliver Reeh) introduce you into the world of Tigran Petrosian.

Video running time: 6 h (English)
All Petrosian games, and short biography
Petrosian Powerbook: The opening repertoire of the 9th world champion as a variation tree
Tactics training with 98 Petrosian games: 285 training questions, max. 615 points
With ChessBase Reader 2017


Short biography
Petrosian's favorite - Bg5
Queen's Indian: 4.a3 - Petrosian Variation
English: 1.c4
With Black against 1.d4
With Black against 1.e4
Wch match Spassky 1966 and 1969; Candidates final Fischer 1971
Tactics 1-10
Petrosian-Pogrebissky, 1949: Petrosian exploits Black’s weakened king position (no pawn h7!) to strike on the light squares.
Petrosian-Keres, 1952: Cleverly getting the positional advantage of the two bishops, Petrosian masterfully converts.
Reshevsky-Petrosian, 1953: Classics at its best – two different exchange sacrifices à la Petrosian!
Petrosian-Guimard, 1955: Petrosian begins his mate attack on the kingside and finishes it on the other wing.
Petrosian-Simagin, 1956: The winning motif is a “simple“ knight fork, with preparation de luxe.
Petrosian-Taimanov, 1957:In a worse position, Petrosian starts to complicate matters – and emerges as the surprising winner!
Petrosian-Kozma, 1958: In a worse position, Petrosian starts to complicate matters – and emerges as the surprising winner!
Petrosian-Rosetto, 1958: Following a Queen’s Gambit minority attack, Petrosian fixes a black pawn weakness on c6… to win on the kingside!
Keres-Petrosian, 1959: The beginning of Petrosian‘s mate attack on the kingside sees his queen still being placed on a8...
Petrosian-Benko, 1959: In a closed Nimzoindian position, Black fatally fails to batten down the hatches for good.
Tactics 11-20
Petrosian-Gufeld, 1959: Pick the right knight move for Black... to avoid Petrosian‘s winning combination!
Andersen-Petrosian, 1960: Petrosian shines with Black in a Saemisch King’s Indian - and how!
Holm-Petrosian, 1960: Pursuing a nice perpetual check motif, White overlooks Petrosian’s cool counter.
Petrosian-Krogius, 1960: A white queen’s rook c1 calls the shots in the attack on the kingside.
Petrosian-Pachman, 1961: Another Petrosian classic – weak dark squares, and a mate final with a queen sac.
Petrosian-Smyslov, 1961: Symmetrical pawns, a black position without weaknesses – and yet Petrosian’s renowned opponent isn’t given the slightest chance.
Petrosian-Spassky, 1966: The reigning champion Petrosian takes apart his great challenger in a Wch game. Motto: one exchange sacrifice is not enough!
Petrosian-Westerinen, 1968: A careless black pawn move makes Petrosian play on the kingside a very one-sided affair.
Petrosian-Tomic, 1970: “Tactics light“, for a change - the white knight allows a mate pattern to remember.
Kortchnoi-Petrosian, 1971: Petrosian uses of the offside white queen to unfold positional powerplay based on tactics.
Tactics 21-25
Petrosian-Balashov, 1974: If you like IQP positions as White, this is a must- know game – power on the board!
Petrosian-Bangiev, 1974: Petrosian calculates a long variation, but fails to see the final winning point – can you do better!?
Petrosian-Portisch, 1974: Finally having created his dream pawn centre with e4 and d4, White is given a cold shower.
Petrosian-Rantanen, 1979: Playing the Dutch Black must just accept there is no pawn left on f7 - potentially fatal against a Petrosian in an aggressive mood...
Petrosian-Ljubojevic, 1983: Petrosian energically opens the position for his two bishops and won’t even have an exchange sacrifice stop him.
Petrosian's trumps
The exchange sacrifice
Excellent technique and the knowledge of theoretical endgames
The space advantage
The Andersson-Petrosian endgame
Petrosian's powerplay
The outpost squares
The king to the centre
The pawn levers
Powerplay on the light squares
Petrosian's prophylaxis
The long king march
The art of defence
Counterplay counts
Interactive videos
Defence against Fischer
Mating attack out of the blue
All Games from Tigran Petrosian
Training questions
Petrosian opening book with White
Petrosian opening book with Black

ChessBase sin omtale

Tigran Petrosian became the 9th world champion in the history of chess after defeating title holder Mikhail Botvinnik in their match in 1963. Six years later, in 1969, he lost the title to Boris Spassky. But Petrosian remained one of the best players in the world for a long time, paticipating several times the Wch cycle.

This is what is delivered:
  • Fritztrainer App for Windows and Mac
  • Available as download or on DVD
  • Video course with a running time of approx. 4-8 hrs.
  • Repertoire database: save and integrate Fritztrainer games into your own repertoire (in WebApp Opening or in ChessBase)
  • Interactive exercises with video feedback: the authors present exercises and key positions, the user has to enter the solution. With video feedback (also on mistakes) and further explanations.
  • Sample games as a ChessBase database.
  • New: many Fritztrainer now also available as stream in the ChessBase video portal!
That's what the FritzTrainer App can do for you:
  • Videos can run in the Fritztrainer app or in the ChessBase program with board graphics, notation and a large function bar
  • Analysis engine can be switched on at any time
  • Video pause for manual navigation and analysis in game notation
  • Input of your own variations, engine analysis, with storage in the game
  • Learn variations: view specific lines in the ChessBase WebApp Opening with autoplay, memorize variations and practise transformation (initial position - final position).
  • Active opening training: selected opening positions are transferred to the ChessBase WebApp Fritz-online. In a match against Fritz you test your new knowledge and actively play the new opening.
Even more possibilities: Start FritzTrainer in the ChessBase program!
  • The database with all games and analyses can be opened directly.
  • Games can be easily added to the opening reference.
  • Direct evaluation with game reference, games can be replayed on the analysis board
  • Your own variations are saved and can be added to the own repertoire
  • Replay training
  • LiveBook active
  • All engines installed in ChessBase can be started for the analysis
  • Assisted Analysis
  • Print notation and diagrams (for worksheets)
Short biography
Petrosian's favorite - Bg5
Queen's Indian: 4.a3 - Petrosian Variation
English: 1.c4
With Black against 1.d4
With Black against 1.e4
Wch match Spassky 1966 and 1969; Candidates final Fischer 1971
Tactics 1-10
Petrosian-Pogrebissky, 1949: Petrosian exploits Black’s weakened king position (no pawn h7!) to strike on the light squares.
Petrosian-Keres, 1952: Cleverly getting the positional advantage of the two bishops, Petrosian masterfully converts.
Reshevsky-Petrosian, 1953: Classics at its best – two different exchange sacrifices à la Petrosian!
Petrosian-Guimard, 1955: Petrosian begins his mate attack on the kingside and finishes it on the other wing.
Petrosian-Simagin, 1956: The winning motif is a “simple“ knight fork, with preparation de luxe.
Petrosian-Taimanov, 1957:In a worse position, Petrosian starts to complicate matters – and emerges as the surprising winner!
Petrosian-Kozma, 1958: In a worse position, Petrosian starts to complicate matters – and emerges as the surprising winner!
Petrosian-Rosetto, 1958: Following a Queen’s Gambit minority attack, Petrosian fixes a black pawn weakness on c6… to win on the kingside!
Keres-Petrosian, 1959: The beginning of Petrosian‘s mate attack on the kingside sees his queen still being placed on a8...
Petrosian-Benko, 1959: In a closed Nimzoindian position, Black fatally fails to batten down the hatches for good.
Tactics 11-20
Petrosian-Gufeld, 1959: Pick the right knight move for Black... to avoid Petrosian‘s winning combination!
Andersen-Petrosian, 1960: Petrosian shines with Black in a Saemisch King’s Indian - and how!
Holm-Petrosian, 1960: Pursuing a nice perpetual check motif, White overlooks Petrosian’s cool counter.
Petrosian-Krogius, 1960: A white queen’s rook c1 calls the shots in the attack on the kingside.
Petrosian-Pachman, 1961: Another Petrosian classic – weak dark squares, and a mate final with a queen sac.
Petrosian-Smyslov, 1961: Symmetrical pawns, a black position without weaknesses – and yet Petrosian’s renowned opponent isn’t given the slightest chance.
Petrosian-Spassky, 1966: The reigning champion Petrosian takes apart his great challenger in a Wch game. Motto: one exchange sacrifice is not enough!
Petrosian-Westerinen, 1968: A careless black pawn move makes Petrosian play on the kingside a very one-sided affair.
Petrosian-Tomic, 1970: “Tactics light“, for a change - the white knight allows a mate pattern to remember.
Kortchnoi-Petrosian, 1971: Petrosian uses of the offside white queen to unfold positional powerplay based on tactics.
Tactics 21-25
Petrosian-Balashov, 1974: If you like IQP positions as White, this is a must- know game – power on the board!
Petrosian-Bangiev, 1974: Petrosian calculates a long variation, but fails to see the final winning point – can you do better!?
Petrosian-Portisch, 1974: Finally having created his dream pawn centre with e4 and d4, White is given a cold shower.
Petrosian-Rantanen, 1979: Playing the Dutch Black must just accept there is no pawn left on f7 - potentially fatal against a Petrosian in an aggressive mood...
Petrosian-Ljubojevic, 1983: Petrosian energically opens the position for his two bishops and won’t even have an exchange sacrifice stop him.
Petrosian's trumps
The exchange sacrifice
Excellent technique and the knowledge of theoretical endgames
The space advantage
The Andersson-Petrosian endgame
Petrosian's powerplay
The outpost squares
The king to the centre
The pawn levers
Powerplay on the light squares
Petrosian's prophylaxis
The long king march
The art of defence
Counterplay counts
Interactive videos
Defence against Fischer
Mating attack out of the blue
All Games from Tigran Petrosian
Training questions
Petrosian opening book with White
Petrosian opening book with Black
Detaljert info
Type DVD
Språk Engelsk

Produktet er en del av serien Master Class DVD

En ny treningsserie i DVD-format med materiale fra noen av de største spillerne i sjakkhistorien. Kan brukes direkte til trening eller gjerne mest til å studere og beundre sjakk på høyeste nivå.

Vis andre produkter i denne serien

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